random weird dream

This dream starts with a girl in class with her head on the desk.Then she is cuting herself deeply with a staple .Some guy sees her and gets her crush to come see whats wrong with her.He pulls her head off the desk and there if blood on her face and she smeres it once she wipes off her tears.AND SEES HER LEFT ARM COVERED IN BLOOD!!!Verry deep cuts surround her arm.She smiles at the person she has a crush on(while cutting herself some more and says, "why wont you love me jin....my one and only love jiiin." The dude she called jin starts to back away even more but there is a wall that blocks him from going any further.Fright took over his face.All he could do is stare at her as she came closer. Blood driped on him and she bent down to say...........................
Well i ended up getting up because i had to g to school so if anyone wants me to finish this story with my imagination then just tell me.
