Soul: chapter one complete

"what is it"
that's all i thought when, he crept closer taking steps slowly, with a sword in hand with my friends blood. He'd said "he loved us all"
but i dont know if its true or not....
i felt like i just fell off my cliff of happiness into a pit of despair and sorrow.
"Nijiro..." was all i could mumbles as "he" came close enough to kill me with one slice.
"WHY WHY WHY!! WHY!! HERRO!! WHY!!" i yelled, and tears went down my face.
he stopped and looked down at me. "because i love you all Ren-ren" Theo raised his sword up. "i'll see you in the after world Renya" Herro's voice faded into nothing as he swung down
the sun shined through a bedroom window. clear as could be, spreading its beams of light everywhere, even on a red covered bed, with a hump on it.
a moan is let out from the hump.
"ughh i hate mornings" the hump complained and revealed it self to be a older teenager.
She had long bedhead brown hair, light gray eyes, a model's body, and a calm demeanor about her.
she looked over to a desk calender on her night stand next to her. "june 6th...." she layed back down, but came back up quickly.
"CRAP!! HERRO!!! NIJIRO!! ANEMONE!!" she jumps out of bed.
"they're going to be furious!"
