Devlyn, Billie's familiar

Name: Devlyn

Gender: Male

Age: 9 years

Animal: Ferret

Looks: His back and tail, paws, and the top half of his face are a light brown, whilst his lower body is a tan-ish creamy colour

Partner: Billie

Likes: Billie, chasing bugs

Dislikes: being locked out of the dorm room, being locked in a room, Angeal

Bio: Was found by Billie not long after the incident with her parents, he had been abandoned by his own family, and was about to die when she picked him up and cared for him, unknown to her that he would become her familiar. He’s very attached to Billie, and would attack anyone who tried to harm her or make her upset

Human Form info (if any)-
Hair color/length/style: Long brown hair, usually tied back

Eye color: Golden brown

Appearance: Looks about 17. His skin is a creamy tanned colour, the same as his fur was. He stands at about 5’11” and weighs in at about 140lbs. He’s pretty muscular, though he’s not scary muscular, just right

Personality: He’s very protective of his family, Billie and Diante, not wanting anything to harm either of them. He’s sort of mischievous, and loves to play tricks on people, but hates when he’s scolded by Billie afterwards

Regular Clothing: A singlet and cargo pants, not usually wearing shoes unless he has to
