Hell Girl (Jijoku Shoujo) Review

Plot Summary

There's a website called "Hell Correspondence" that only people with deep contempt for another person can reach, and then only at midnight. They are then given a doll by the Hell Girl with a string around its neck. If they pull the string, they seal contract that the person they hate will immediately be taken to hell - but there's a catch. Once their own life is up, they, too, will be taken to hell.


The plot to Hell Girl is very formulaic, which both works for and against it. Some of the episodes glue you to your seat through terror, contempt, or sometimes just out of curiosity of what will happen next. However, there are episodes that feel slow and boring. There is a well-done side plot that explores Enma Ai (the Hell Girl) and whether it's right to send people to hell or not. Overall, I'd say it was pretty good.



There is some good character development with reoccuring characters, but some don't get any.

And obviously some pretty good one-episode characters.



They don't really have too much stand-out moments, but for the most part the animation is pretty solid.



With an upbeat, beautifully animated opening and a soft, lilting ending, the non-background music is incredible.

As for the background tracks... They were pretty amazing, and I would be lying if I said I never listened to it outside of the anime. Its only flaw is that it is repeated often, so you may grow tired of it if you watch many consecutive episodes in a row.



Great music, a solid plot and some good character development, I'd definitely recommend Hell Girl.




There are some absolutely despicable people in that anime...ugh.
