's Winter Writing Contest

Winter is fast approaching and what better way to enjoy it than to tell stories? So for the next three months if you or any of your friends have ideas for Winter/Christmas/New Year’s themed stories, articles or essays, we encourage you to give it a try. Everything from series-based fanfiction to your own original ideas will be accepted.

Once all the entries are in, a panel of judges will select one of the works as “Editor’s Choice”. The author of the chosen work will also receive a free year’s subscription to theOtaku’s Premium Service! If you already have a premium account then it will automatically be renewed for another year.

Guidelines for theOtaku’s Winter Writing Contest are:

  • All submissions must follow Fan Word standards such as grammar, spelling, and rating.

  • Don’t forget to check the box for “Nominate for Fan Word Publication”.
  • All submissions need to have “winter contest” in the submission’s tags. Don’t put a comma between ‘winter’ and ‘contest’ since that will make them seperate tags.

If you’ve never submitted a Fan Word before or just need some help getting one ready to submit, then take a moment to visit The Writer’s Bloc, the home base for’s beta-readers and a place for writers to come with questions.

Click here to visit the official challenge page. You can post any questions you have over there. Good luck!
