Celebrity Chat With Tiffany Grant

As many of you already know, Tiffany Grant, who has played a lot roles, most notably Asuka Langley from Evangelion, was invited to a chat session with the members of theOtaku.

It was a wonderful success with over thirty members in attendance. However, for those of you who were unable to make it to the chat we saved it so you wouldn't miss out on the fun.

VoiceOfAsuka joined the room.
Sangome: Next year
bloody madi: mewmewlover55: CAN YOU SAY HI FOR ME I G2G K
7thEvaChild: but i doubt i can do taht one
Sangome: Hopefully
Michiyo Shimizu: O.o
Sangome: SHIZZLE
Katana: Next year, hopefully, indeed
mewmewlover55: bloody madi: lol sure X3...
master hiko: Well I will see you there hopefully
Keome sops hyperventalating
7thEvaChild: less that 1 minute!!!
master hiko shuts up
mewmewlover55: sop
mewmewlover55: hehe
Katana hums
VoiceOfAsuka: Hi - this is Tiffany - I don;t know where to go - HELP!
cutepresea: O_o
Michiyo Shimizu: hello @_@;
Adam: Hi Tiffany!
mewmewlover55: woah hi hi :3
Katana: She's lost...
master hiko: Hello
FeraWElricKoizumi flies through the roof
7thEvaChild: HI
Adam: Beth, start moderation
Katana: Someone, give her a road map...
mayorlight: Welcome Tiff!
Michiyo Shimizu: Hi Tiffany xD;
mewmewlover55: Hello Tiffany :3
xCrisisCorexZackx: Hi. :)
Sangome: Hello Tiffany
vtr9kvictor: you are in the rightplace Tif
Sage of Magic: Hello
Keome: Hi
master hiko: Dont drown
Katana: Yo
Sangome gives map
7thEvaChild: welcome, Tiffany
VoiceOfAsuka: Is this the right place?
red tigress: Welcome Tiffany!
Sangome: Yep
7thEvaChild: yup
Keome: :)
Michiyo Shimizu: Yes! ^^
Katana: Should be
bloody madi waves good bye
mewmewlover55: mod it up :3
frequentflier: hi tiff, welcome
This room is moderated by SunfallE. All messages are forwarded to the moderator for review.
Adam: thanks for joining us Tiffany!
VoiceOfAsuka left the room. (Logged out)
Adam: @_@
VoiceOfAsuka joined the room.
VoiceOfAsuka: I just got disconnected
Adam: oh, that happens sometimes, sorry about that
VoiceOfAsuka: So, what do I do now?
Adam: you, myself, and Beth (SunfallE) are the only ones permitted to talk freely
Adam: Beth will be approving questions
VoiceOfAsuka: oh, ok
Adam: take as long as you like to answer and when you're done
Adam: type "next"
VoiceOfAsuka: kay
Adam: to all question askers
Adam: please wait until Tiffany says 'next' before asking
Adam: if your question doesn't get answered, then ask it again next time she says 'next'
VoiceOfAsuka: I see some of my friends are here, too :)
Adam: OK, now everyone start with your first questions, and put QUESTION: before what you type
Adam: Beth, approve when ready :)
VoiceOfAsuka: :)
VoiceOfAsuka: BTW - how did I get that Icon?

FeraWElricKoizumi: Question: Have you ever had anyone come up to you and say "You're the person that does the voice of_______"?

Adam: (It's our default icon for new members)
VoiceOfAsuka: ALL The time - but only at cons ^_^ Never in "regular places." Next..
VoiceOfAsuka: Thanks, Adam! Just wonderin' :)

7thEvaChild: Question: I have read that you really enjoyed playing the part of Asuka, but how was it with the whole cast? Did they share your enthusiasum individually and as a group?

VoiceOfAsuka: I really can't say. We record separately in ADR recording.
VoiceOfAsuka: Some of the VAs I don't know very well, and others I haven't ever met at all.
VoiceOfAsuka: I know Spike wanted to make Shinji more "Bad-Ass" but of course that wouldn't be Shinji!
VoiceOfAsuka: Sorry I can't really answer the Q better. =
VoiceOfAsuka: Next...

red tigress: Question: You've had many roles in a wide variety of anime. Do you watch all the shows you do voice acting for?

VoiceOfAsuka: I have watched most of them, but not all.
VoiceOfAsuka: For example, I'm super squeamish
VoiceOfAsuka: So I've never watched Gantz or Elfen Lied - other than while I was recording them.
VoiceOfAsuka: And there were quite a few shows that I only had small parts in, but I've watched most of them.
VoiceOfAsuka: Next :)

Katana: Question: First off, props for working on my favorite series of all bloody time, Azumanga Daioh, and great work on bringing obsessive-but-sweet Kaorin to life. Going off that, how much different is it to work on a comedy series over an action or drama series?

VoiceOfAsuka: I LOOOOOOOOVE Azumanga Diaoh!!
VoiceOfAsuka: I wold say the general mood in the studio is much lighter when you're working on a comedy.
VoiceOfAsuka: Especially something like AD
VoiceOfAsuka: Now that's a show I have DEFINITELY watched!
VoiceOfAsuka left the room. (Logged out)
VoiceOfAsuka joined the room.
VoiceOfAsuka: I was disconnected again.
VoiceOfAsuka: So...
Adam: sorry about the disconnects Tiffany...our chat software does that on and off
VoiceOfAsuka: I'ts OK. I recently did a con w/
VoiceOfAsuka: Christine "Miss Sakaki" Auten
VoiceOfAsuka: ^_____^
VoiceOfAsuka: We had LOTS of Azumanga fans there, and I found myself very happy to be sitting next to the real Miss Sakaki
VoiceOfAsuka: That was fun!
VoiceOfAsuka: Next!

Troublesum Shika: Another Question: who is the person you had the most fun dubbing?

VoiceOfAsuka: You mean which character?
Troublesum Shika: Yeah. I do
VoiceOfAsuka: Okay... well, that's a hard one!
VoiceOfAsuka: I don't know if I can settle on one, but the role of Sandora in Excel Saga was a BLAST!!
VoiceOfAsuka: And I love getting to play critters, too.
VoiceOfAsuka: Next =)

Sangome: Question: I know you mentioned earlier that you did not interact much with your fellow Eva VAs, but, regardless, do you have any friends in the anime dub business, like a fellow VA?

VoiceOfAsuka: Oh yes, many of them!
VoiceOfAsuka: Actually, since the acting community is a relatively small one, many of us knew each other outside the anime industry before getting into anime.
VoiceOfAsuka: For example, I've known Christine Auten since before she started at ADV.
VoiceOfAsuka: Same goes for Vic Mignogna and John Swasey and many others.
VoiceOfAsuka: Before I got into voice acting, I did a play with Laura Chapman and the director was Kelly Manison.
VoiceOfAsuka: There are almost too many to name! There are other VAs that I have become friends with from hanging out with them at cons
VoiceOfAsuka: All in all, I'd say the voice acting community is pretty tight-knight - at least among those of us who know each other!!
VoiceOfAsuka: Next -

master hiko: Question: Through your own experience, what kind of stress is there for voice acting?

VoiceOfAsuka: Well, the biggest stress for any type of acting
VoiceOfAsuka: is looking for work
VoiceOfAsuka: Apart from that, I'd say maybe realizing you've been cast to do a voice that's difficult for you to maintain consistently.
VoiceOfAsuka: But the looking for gigs thing tops that ^_~
VoiceOfAsuka: Next -

Shinmaru: Question: Misaki Matsuya is one of my favorite roles of yours since Excel Saga was one of the first anime I got into. What was it like playing the straight character in such an insane series?

VoiceOfAsuka: First, thank you very much!
VoiceOfAsuka left the room. (Logged out)
VoiceOfAsuka joined the room.
VoiceOfAsuka: Disconnected...
VoiceOfAsuka: But, as I was saying...
VoiceOfAsuka: I had so much fun doing Pu Chuus and playing silly parts like Kumi Kumi, that boredom was never an issue!
VoiceOfAsuka: Matsuya had some very cool lines, so that was definitely a good thing
VoiceOfAsuka: And she was HOT >=)
VoiceOfAsuka: Thanks again - Next

mewmewlover55: Question: What are some of your favorite anime series that you didn't voice act in?

VoiceOfAsuka: Revolutionary Girl Utena
VoiceOfAsuka: Slayers
VoiceOfAsuka: My Neighbor Totoro - Not a series, but still...
VoiceOfAsuka: Oh! My Goddess
VoiceOfAsuka: And I think I am allowed to say FMA, 'cause I'm only in ten episodes of season two. BIG FMA fan.
VoiceOfAsuka: next

somegirl: Question: did you ever play a role you didn't enjoy?

VoiceOfAsuka: NEVER!
VoiceOfAsuka: Getting a paid acting job is the sweetest thing ever ^__^
VoiceOfAsuka: There's always an opportunity to discover something new - like a new vocal range
VoiceOfAsuka: Or exploring different types of characters. It's ALL good.
VoiceOfAsuka: Next-o....

timechaser: Question: First, thanks for being here tonight, Tiffany. Asuka and Satella (chrono Crusade) are very similar characters, both being haughty, redheaded Germans with troubled pasts. Did you approach playing Satella without thinking of Asuka, or did playing Asuka beforehand play any part in the way you played Satella?

VoiceOfAsuka: Wow, what a great question!
VoiceOfAsuka: I suppose that every acting role is built in some part on the ones that have come before it
VoiceOfAsuka: But , truthfully, I approach each voice acting role as I do any acting role
VoiceOfAsuka: And that's with the idea that each character is a new and distinct person
VoiceOfAsuka: Honestly, when we started working on Chrono Crusade, I thought Satella was much older than 17, so I purposely made her more mature
VoiceOfAsuka: But there is a big difference between 14 & 17, so I suppose that's OK
VoiceOfAsuka: I told my mom recently that it DID actually come in handy that I studied German instaead of Spanish!!
VoiceOfAsuka: Next!

ThePockyGirl: Question: Before taking on any new role for a show, do you do any special preparations? Like, watching the Japanese version of the show or reading the comics the show is based on?

VoiceOfAsuka: There's no one particular preparation I use universally.
VoiceOfAsuka: Very often, the comic - if it was based on one - has not yet come out in English, so that's not an option
VoiceOfAsuka: Also, as we all know, the manga and anime version of the same story can be qutie different
VoiceOfAsuka: As for watching it beforehand, I don't normally have access to those materials.
VoiceOfAsuka: The full series will not have been fully translated when we are starting on a show
VoiceOfAsuka: My best resource is the director of the show who is normally fully versed in all the show's particulars.
VoiceOfAsuka: Plus, I don't want to have too much fore-knowledge of what will happen in the story because it might interfere with me giving a more honest reaction in my portrayal
VoiceOfAsuka: I do sometimes look up a show on ANN or other sites.
VoiceOfAsuka: Thanks! next -

Keome: Question: I see you named one of your cats Momiji does this relate to the popular series Fruits Basket?

VoiceOfAsuka: WeE have a cat named Momiji
VoiceOfAsuka: sorry about the extra E
VoiceOfAsuka: But I did not name her that.
VoiceOfAsuka: Amanda Winn Lee found two little kittens in a disreputable pet store about twelve years ago and decided that Matt (Greenfield) needed some pets.
VoiceOfAsuka: So, being Amanda, she bought them and said, "Here Matt, I got you these kittens."
VoiceOfAsuka: Or something like that.
VoiceOfAsuka: Anyway, We had just wrapped up recording on a show called Blue Seed in which Amanda and her husband Jason played the lead characters -
VoiceOfAsuka: Momiji and Kusanagi
VoiceOfAsuka: So the cats were called Momiji and Kusanagi, but I honestly don't know if Amanda named them that or Matt did.
VoiceOfAsuka: But when Matt and I got married five years ago, they became my "step-cats."
VoiceOfAsuka: BTW - Amanda also gave Tristan MacAvery a cat and she game me a Chinese Dwarf hamster named MuShu.
VoiceOfAsuka: She named the hamster herself
VoiceOfAsuka: Next!

vtr9kvictor: Altena from Noir was really creepy, like super mega creepy and a half, but you played her so well, do you prefer playing villians or hero(ine)s?

VoiceOfAsuka: I prefer crazed civil servants who do not harass poor innocent private citizens, but thank you, Jeremy.
VoiceOfAsuka: (that was directed at "Victor") - no taunting!
VoiceOfAsuka: Anyway.... =)
VoiceOfAsuka: Playing villains is very cool, and I don't get to do it very much.
VoiceOfAsuka: Altena was one of my most challenging roles, and it was a good chance for me to stretch outside my range. Next!
Adam: I'll field this next one :)
VoiceOfAsuka: heh :)

Adam: what's on your plate these days Tiffany? What are you working on now/spending your time on?

VoiceOfAsuka: Well, we are still only half-way through Wallflower, and I expect to be getting back into that before too long
VoiceOfAsuka: Unfortunately, I cannot discuss three other projects that I recently worked on until the cast is announced
VoiceOfAsuka: :-X
Adam: haha fair enough
VoiceOfAsuka: And I have also recently auditioned for a new show, but no guarantes there.
VoiceOfAsuka: I am open to any and all acting gigs at the moment.
VoiceOfAsuka: Oops - next!

Erzengel Weiss: I've just recently tuned in so I'm not sure if this was already asked but, knowing the rivalry that fans have created between English voice acting and Japanese voice acting, what do you have to say about those who are aversed to English dubs, or that rivalry in general?

VoiceOfAsuka: No, it hasn't been asked yet.
VoiceOfAsuka: Honestly, it just seems like a question from a different century
VoiceOfAsuka: That was the kind of heated debate I'd get caught up in ten or twelve years ago.
VoiceOfAsuka: Anymore, I just ignore it really. It's perfectly fine with me if people would prefer to hear the show in Japanese as long as they are watching legally distributed content.
VoiceOfAsuka: Besides, after becoming friends with the original Asuka (Yuko Miyamura) a few months ago, I don't really care about those arguments!
VoiceOfAsuka: I mean, we're both pretty feisty ^_^
VoiceOfAsuka: Next =^)

Indi: Question: I've always wondered, but after you do any panels or stuff you came to a convention for... what do you like best about them?

VoiceOfAsuka: wow - great question!
VoiceOfAsuka: I think the best thing about cons is just getting to meet the people who are watching our shows ands supporting the industry.
VoiceOfAsuka: I like being able to clarify things for people when I do panels.
VoiceOfAsuka: One thing I've noticed from doing cons across the country and around the world
VoiceOfAsuka: is that anime fans are universally very cool people
VoiceOfAsuka: Very accepting and diverse. I'm glad I've gotten to experience that.
VoiceOfAsuka: - Next -

frequentflier: QUESTION: I know this is off of the anime subject, but I'm curious- I saw in your fanclub listing that you are headed to Japan in 2 months- are you going to visit the Hello Kitty amusement park? Your love of Hello Kitty is legendary...

VoiceOfAsuka: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
VoiceOfAsuka: My plan is to live out my fantasy of visiting PuroLand (the Hello Kitty theme park near Tokyo) with my friend Miyamura-san. She said she would like to go there with me when last spoke, and I CANNOT WAIT!! Of course, my husband's head will probably explode.
VoiceOfAsuka: Poor guy - TWO Asukas and surrounded by Hello Kitty
VoiceOfAsuka: How much can one person be expected to take?
VoiceOfAsuka: You may weep for him.
VoiceOfAsuka: Next =0

master hiko: Question: Though I thought someone was going to ask this earlier, how did you get started voice acting?

VoiceOfAsuka: Fair enough - an oldie but a goodie!
VoiceOfAsuka: Sorry to any of you who may have heard this story dozens of times ^_^
VoiceOfAsuka: My background - like most actors - was in theatre.
VoiceOfAsuka: Back in early 1994, ADV was preparing to dub their first show. They had only released a few shows w/subtitles at that point.
VoiceOfAsuka left the room. (Logged out)
VoiceOfAsuka joined the room.
VoiceOfAsuka: Diconnected again.
VoiceOfAsuka: Anyway, they knew they needed to hire some actors, but weren't really sure how to do that.
VoiceOfAsuka: At that time, ADV consisted of about five or six people, and they said to all their friends, "If you know any actors, tell them to call us!"
VoiceOfAsuka: So, someone who knew about those initial auditions happened to know me and know that I was an actor.
VoiceOfAsuka: He called me and told me this new company needed to hire some actors to do voices in some Japanese animated show, and he remembered I was an actor.
VoiceOfAsuka: I told him I was interested, and I called to make the appointment.
VoiceOfAsuka: I went to the audition on Feb. 12, 1994, and I was hired immediately following my audition to play the female lead (Raina) in Guy: Double Target.
VoiceOfAsuka: Which Jeremy (vtr9victor) will be sure to taunt me about later
VoiceOfAsuka: Anyway, that makes me the first person hired as an anime voice actor in the state of Texas.
VoiceOfAsuka: Pretty cool, eh? :-D
Adam is impressed
VoiceOfAsuka: And I've been doing it ever since!
VoiceOfAsuka: Thanks Adam!
VoiceOfAsuka: I can take one more question, then I will have to hang it up for now.
VoiceOfAsuka: Sorry guys ;_;

Michiyo Shimizu: Question: Being an anime voice actress and guesting in many past anime conventions, has there ever been a time when you have fangirled about something at one of those conventions or even, without being at one at all?

VoiceOfAsuka: Oh, ssssoooooooooooo many times!!!
VoiceOfAsuka: When I first met Peter "Speed Racer" Fernandez, I was swooning.
VoiceOfAsuka: It was an awesome thing.
VoiceOfAsuka: I had a similar reaction to Corinne "Trixie" Orr as well
VoiceOfAsuka: Corinne and I were on a panel with just the two of us last year - after I'd already met her a few times
VoiceOfAsuka: And I kept thinking "How on earth could I be on the same panel with HER?!"
VoiceOfAsuka: It felt unreal.
VoiceOfAsuka: But my biggest fangirl freak out by far was when I met Yuko Miyamura (Asuka) in April
VoiceOfAsuka: I was literally hyperventillating to the point I almost passed out.
VoiceOfAsuka: It's a wonder we became friends because I was sure I would scare the hell out of her!
VoiceOfAsuka: I had wanted to meet her for SUCH a looooong time, and it was so unbelieveably perfect. Everything was just how I'd imagined. It was AWESOME!
VoiceOfAsuka: In fact, vtr9victor can confirm that I called him several times from Hawaii
VoiceOfAsuka: In an hysterical state
VoiceOfAsuka: "I MET HER!! I MET HER!!"
VoiceOfAsuka: So.... that was my biggest fangirl moment EVAR O_O
VoiceOfAsuka: Thanks guys!! You are all awesome =)

Erzengel Weiss: Ahh! I won't get a chance ever to say this to you, so I really hope this message goes through, but I think you're the coolest!
7thEvaChild: Comment: Thank you so much for being here tonight and letting us Otaku ask you so many questions. (Personally, i am a huge fan of Evangelion, so this was an awesome night for me.) a really big Thanks here!
VoiceOfAsuka: YAY!!
VoiceOfAsuka: Thanks 7th!
Adam: thanks so much Tiffany for coming and for your patience tonight, we all look forward to your next projects (when they're announced!)
Sangome: Very nice to meet you, Tiffany.
ThePockyGirl: Yea! Thank you so much for coming tonight!
Adam: your energy really shines through in your responses
Katana: All your fanspazzing made me happy.
VoiceOfAsuka: I'l let you know as soon as I can
VoiceOfAsuka: thanks Sangome
master hiko: This was one of the best days I have had!
Erzengel Weiss: Thank you so much for coming!
cutepresea: Same here. Sorry I got too scared to say anything. :D
VoiceOfAsuka: Thankss to all f you
7thEvaChild: yeah, this was an early birthday present for me, Thanks!!!
timechaser: Thanks for being here tonight. ^^
VoiceOfAsuka: You guys are all so sweet
VoiceOfAsuka: Woot!
Shinmaru: Thanks for being here. I enjoyed it! :)
Katana: Well, you were a great guest! It's well deserved. XD
VoiceOfAsuka: Thank YOU
ThePockyGirl: I hope you have a fun trip to Japan and bring back lots of Hello Kitty toys and such.. =D
Sangome: It's always interesting to hear about a VA spazzing about...a VA, since normally us normal fans do that
VoiceOfAsuka: Well, maybe we can do it again!
VoiceOfAsuka: Oh, yes, many HK toys and Asuka sutff
master hiko: I agree with Sangome, I didnt expect a va to do such a thing!
VoiceOfAsuka: and probably more spazing out, too!
Allamorph: Well, aren't VAs just normal people, too? Just with . . . specific jobs.
VoiceOfAsuka: ^_^
cutepresea: Nice to hear that VAs do just as much spazzing as we do. XD
Katana: Also...German over Spanish FTW! Sehr gut, Frau Grant, und danke!
Adam: thanks everyone for coming
VoiceOfAsuka: thanks! Bye =)
VoiceOfAsuka left the room. (Logged out)
SunfallE Time to free the room yes Adam?
Adam: yup
Adam: release the hounds
This room is no longer being moderated.

Don't forget to thank Tiffany Grant for taking the time to come and chat with the members of theOtaku.
