Anime Podcast IV - Ep. 6

A'ight, first off, three things:

  • In Canada, people vote for their regional Member of Parliament (very localized districts/ridings), who will be a member (or not) of a larger party; he/she then gets a seat in the 308-seat House of Commons in Ottawa; the party with the most seats in the House of Commons becomes the governing party; the leader of said-party then becomes Prime minister. I was feeling left out, so there.
  • Chinese has several dialects, but only one unified writing system (not counting traditional/simplified); different dialects just pronounce 'em differently.
  • I think it's pronounced "Kah-lay-ah"

That is all. Go listen to podcast now.

Music - O2 by Orange Range from Code Geass R2

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For a link to the Bootleg News Reporter World, go here.
For a link to The Watercooler World, go here.

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