Meme/Excuse to post stuff that would normally make me look like a freak XD

So yeah, caught the meme fever, but honestly how else am I supposed to post random things about my life. It's not like we have dedicated worlds set up for such things . . . anyway, here goes nuthin. I stole this from MangaKid who stole it from lots of different peoples. I edited it slightly but it's my meme now so there.

Name: Silver
Birthdate: 1991
Birthplace: SC, U.S.A
Current Location: Still the U.S.A.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: I say brown, but some people still insist it's blonde. I say get over it my hair's now a very light brown.
Righty or Lefty: Lefty! The best thing to be!!! . . . except for sitting at school desks and trying to write on chalk boards -_-
Male or Female: Female

The shoes you wore today: Er, sandals that I don't feel like getting up and looking for a brand on.
Your fears: Regretting the life that I've lived.

-----------------WHAT IS------------------
Your most overused phrase: "After a moment". It's seriously my most used phrase in my writings. EL I'm sure you've noticed this by now ^^'
Your thoughts first waking up: Where is my phone this time?
The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: haha, it depends on whatever feature is the most noticeable honestly. Some people have great hair, some have awesome tattoos. It's just whatever sticks out the most you know?
Your best physical feature: My sparkling personality.
Your bedtime: Er, I try to go to bed around 1ish, but that doesn't always work out. Some people keep me up until 4am writing certain stories EL But as my excuse I don't get off work until 12ish.
Your most missed memory: Er, being back at my old home with friends I suppose. Skype is great but I just miss being able to drop everything and head over to their house for fun, food, and fellowship.

-----------------YOU PREFER------------------
Pepsi or coke: Don't care.
McDonald's or Burger King: Taco Bell
Single or group dates: A date period x)
Adidas or Nike: A cheaper brand.
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
Cappuccino or coffee: Hot Chocolate!

-------------DO YOU------------------
Smoke: Nope
Cuss: I try not too ^^" My mind can be shameful sometimes.
Take a shower everyday: Like I have time for that.
Have a crush: Don't think so.
Do you think you've been in love?: Nope.
Want to go to college: Haha, been there, done that, got the certificate to prove it ^^b
Like(ed) high school: It was fun, but I prefer college.
Want to get married: I think it would be nice.
Type with your fingers on the right keys: Only when they don't hit the wrong ones.
Believe in yourself: Pssht, I think this is overrated. Believing in my dirty rotten self won't get me nowhere. Believing in a holy, all-knowing, God that chooses to love me even though I'm a bastard is where I find my self worth. Try it sometime. You might find you like it ;)
Get motion sickness: Not really.
Think you're attractive: Only every other minute. And then I get smacked down to reality lol
Think you're a health freak: Unfortunately I am not as health conscious as I should be. But maybe when I have to stock my own fridge *fingers crossed*
Get along with your parents: I think so. It's a lot easier now that I'm out of the house.
Like thunderstorms: Indeed. We had a beautiful one just the other day.
Play an instrument: Handbelllllllls! Talk about some fun teamwork. You guys should try it sometime. Look up 'Ring of Fire' on youtube and see what some dingalings can do together.

------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID:/:HAVE YOU-------------
Go to the mall: No. There are no malls here A slight, very slight, exaggeration on my part.
Eaten sushi: Yes! I enjoy sushi.
Been on stage: Not recently.
Been dumped: Nobody ever dumps me because I'm too awesome! . . . that and the fact that I've never dated probably has something to do with it.
Gone skating: Not recently.
Made homemade cookies: Well, I watched someone make them. Does that count?
Been in love: Nope.
Dyed your hair: I did before. It was pretty *3*
Stolen anything: Rocks from Home Depot. They were the painted multi-colored rocks in the cactus section. My father was very angry at me. I'm glad I got that knocked out of the system early. Some things are very tempting to steal though.

-------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
Flown on a plane: Yes! Multiple times. Half the time I enjoy it; Half the time I freak out. And the other third I just read my book.
Missed school because it was raining?: Nope.
Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: Are you kidding? I would never, ever do that unless I knew basically for certain that is was mutual. All this anime angst about the need to confess to your crush always boggles my mind. If they weren't interested in you before do you really think confessing would make them like you now? But I understand you need to have a healthy balance and sometimes bravery is rewarded . . . sometimes ;)
Cried during a Movie?: Yes . . . but my brother was crying too lol
Ever thought an animated character was hot?: Are you serious? What's the point of even asking this on an otaku site? Really? That's why we're all here right
Had an imaginary friend: I don't think so. My toys were friends enough for me.
Cut your own hair: Only like a little snip here and there.
Had crush on a teacher: Hahahhaahaaa! My RL friends know I'm a killer for teacher crushes. So embarrassing -^^-
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Unless you count having 2 hours of sleep because of writing large papers...
Gotten beaten up: Not physically, mentally maybe occasionally
Been in a fight: Just verbally.
Shoplifted: Haha, yeah, see the previous 'stolen something' section *is ashamed*

----------------THE FUTURE------------------
Age you hope to be married: Like I would know.
Numbers and Names of Children: I don't want children XD
How do you want to die?: Not painfully would be nice, but I think that's a little too much to hope for.
What do you want to be when you grow up?: I am grown up!!! And I still don't know xD Basically I just want God to use me to impact people. If working cleaning night shift does that then fine. If being a world-famous author does it then that's cool too.
What country would you most like to visit?: Traveling is a pain.

-----------------Opp. Sex------------------
Best eye color:
Best hair color:
Short or long hair:
Best height:
Best weight: In answer to all of the above it depends. I like many different types.
Best first date location: Somewhere I won't feel awkward or self-conscious. I just wanna have fun with my man.

-----------------NUMBER OF-----------------
Number of people you could trust with your life: Er, enough I suppose. Should I have a certain amount?
Number of CDs that I own: Not many. I Grooveshark and Pandora for my music needs.
Number of piercings: Ears
Number of tattoos: None (yet). It' still in the planning stages X3
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: I wouldn't know.
Number of scars on my body: That would take too much effort to count.
Number of things in my past that I regret: Lots and Lots, but as MangaKid said thank God for His grace and forgiveness!!! Now if only people would do the same...

Shampoo: That generic blue stuff.
Fav Color(s): Don't have one, but I answer blue to save time.
Day/Night: Both have their perks.
Summer/Winter: Probably summer
Fave Cartoon Character: Too many to choose.
Fave Food: Too many to choose.
Fave Movies: Can't be bothered to pick one out.
Fave sport: Parkour

----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
Wearing: Skirt and shirt.
Drinking: Nothing but I'm thirsty. Unfortunately there is a set of stairs between me and the nearest refrigerator
Thinking about: This meme. I can only function one things at a time you know.
Listening to: Band Perry: Postcard from Paris

---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
Cried: Nope
Worn jeans: No, I wear shorts to work.
Met someone new online: Don't think so.
Done laundry: Sortof
Drove a car: Yes, I have to drive to work.
Talked on the phone: I called my daddy :3

---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
Yourself: Again believing with the self thing.
Your friends: Er, maybe? I believe that they're people. That's believing right?
Santa Claus: Nope.
Tooth Fairy: Nope.
Destiny/Fate: Of a sort
Angels: Yes.
Ghosts: I would say spirits but yes.
UFO's: I believe in unidentified flying objects ;)
God: I noticed this one was missing so I added it *is shot*

--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
Do you ever wish you had another name?: Sure.
Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: Nope.
Do you like anyone?: I am firmly crushing this wiggling tendency to like people under my heel.
Which one of your friends acts the most like you?: Er, I don't know. Most of my friends are crazy in at least some way. And we all have different attributes that are alike.
Who have you known the longest of your friends?: Oh my, some of them I've known for about 21 yrs.
Are you close to any family member?: Not really unfortunately.
Who do you hang around the most?: Er, right now the people I work with and people online.
What's the best feeling in the world?: That amazing feeling when you realize your life is not up to you but someone all-wize that loves you.
Worst Feeling?: Being an idiot. Guilt.
What time is it now?: 2:21pm
