That Unlucky #50

This is that catch-up, catch-all post I've been meaning to do for how many months. No more procrastination. Today shall be the day! lol

Hm, let's see. It's hard to remember what I've shared and what I haven't so forgive me if I repeat myself or fail to mention something important Well, I suppose the biggest thing is that I am no longer in school. I find it very exciting . . . and at the same time rather sad. I mean, I've been in school basically 21 years of my life. It's familiar, almost comforting in a way. Now that I'm in the world of the 'big bad adults' so much is new and unfamiliar to me like bills, and car service, and rent, and insurance, etc. Ack. I don't mean to say that being the so-called adult is terrible. There's lots of good things too ^^b But it's always scary to take those first steps. So I graduated and then got a job working at a museum in KY. My parents didn't really want me to move (being the baby and last kid to leave) but they supported my decision even when every other sentence is you know you can come home if you need to xD So yeah, I got up here and was living with some family friends until I could find an apartment and ended up getting a roommate. We went to the same university. For the sake of continuing anonymity I shall call her Coon because she skinned and cooked the raccoon who's life ended in an untimely death on top of her electric power box outside xD So yeah, Coon is really chill and we hardly ever see each other because my schedule is 3:30pm-12am and she's got a normal schedule. But that's the best type of roommate right? The one you hardly ever see?? XD But no she really is great and will occasionally make me food fastest way to my heart We're thinking about getting a cat soon. I can't wait because I've never really had pets because one of my brothers was allergic =3=

So yeah. New place. New roomie. New (a) job. The people I work with are pretty cool. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I'm Housekeeping so basically I keep the bathrooms from being trashed lol I recommend you come and visit the place. The toilets here are really clean Anyway, the people are cool. They're all really weird so I fit in quite well ^^b Since I'm on the Swing Shift I only see them for a few hours before they head home then I'm basically the only one in the museum besides the Public Safety guys. It's really nice because I can listen to music all night long and think about the stories I'm writing. It always surprises me when I see someone else in the museum at that time lol And pretty sure the public safety guys who watch the monitors must always be laughing at me. I'm definitely a confirmed klutz so I'm always dropping something or doing something spastic that makes me laugh. Because if you can't laugh at stuff like that about yourself then life would just be depressing lol So yeah, and sometimes I'll lock myself outside and have to walk all the way around the building to a side door and I can swear I hear them laughing at me -3- Oh, and there's a cat that lives out of the garbage compacter outside who we call Peter. I'm quite fond of him even though I doubt he reciprocates the sentiment.

Hm, what else? I don't know anyone have any questions? Probably not many people read this since I rarely post anyway ^^' My bad. Maybe I should post more regularly, but I hardly ever post on fb either. I just read through stuff there and on here and comment on everyone else's posts and pics. It may look like I'm not active but I'm on I swear ^^'

Oh yes, the whole bit about the title. Well, apparently 50 subscribers is my unlucky number because I've hit 50 several times only for it to drop back down to 49 each time XD I'm not whining or complaining about it. I understand people leave and stuff and like I said I'm not visibly active and certainly not artistically xD In fact, usually I don't even know who leaves ^^" So how can I complain when I don't even know who left? Though there was one memorable time when one friend unsubscribed. I sent her a message asking why and she had no idea she had subscribed at all. Some random bug in the system and before you get too skeptical we'll still quite good friends so she didn't unsubscribe 'accidentally on purpose' lol So maybe next time you're unsubscribed by someone try checking with them first. Maybe it was an accident after all ;)

Yosh. That's it for now. I really need to eat breakfast, do laundry and the 1001 other things I need to do today before work. Nice touching base with everyone again. Jana~
