~Welcome underlings to the Federation~


Name: MoMo

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Hometown: Nebraska

Youtube: UnionJackAudrey


What is this sleep you speak of~?

*yawns immensely* Well 4am and pulled an All Nighter finishing all this damn homework. I have two huge projects tomorrow well today now >.< plus a 5 page paper =___= I am so dead~


Two hours before I have to get ready for school so still finishing up -__-

I think I have a good idea why my eyesight is suddenly getting ruined lately, damn. Plus this whole week I've probably only slept 11 hours this entire week combined ^^;;

Sorry I haven't been around SCHOOL IS SO CRAZY INSANE!! OTZ

So quick news with me~

I now work in TWO HOSPITAL KITCHENS!! xD I got taken on as a volunteer at a rehabilitation facility awhile ago and they were thrilled to hear that I've already been working at a hospital for a year almost. ^^ I got to skip most of the orientation since I've already been trained in most procedures. AWESOME~!

OH I GOT PISSED TODAY derp I mean yesterday D: My engine light for my car has been on forever and I went out for lunch today. The motherfricken Air Bag light turned on now!! D< So I have to betch out the arse I bought it from to take it in to get fixed. =___=

OH I GOT MY PUNK!ENGLAND COSPLAY PUT TOGETHER!! :O (I make weird faces in photos xD)

ANOTHER AWESOME THING~! I'm allowed to draw in Web Design :'D My teacher let me scan a bunch of my pictures and now I'm spending all of class colouring them on Illustrator @___@ <3 Immensely Epic~!

Oh you may have noticed my weird as hell new blog "BloodyBritishBlog" I made it cause I'm going to LONDON THIS FALL OHGOSH FLIPPIN STOKED!! More to come on that news~

I can't even think right now, soooooo braindead ;__;

Eeep 3:50 better get back to work~!

Wish me luck tomorrow no TODAY ERRR RAGE!!

'effffffffffffffffffffff =___=

So as I've been complaining of being sick for the past three weeks; I took an epically major turn for the worst on friday and it's just gone downhill =__=

I went to the Urgent Care Clinic today and they put me on a crap ton of antibiotics. >.< They're huge .___. GAWD I had medicine plus it like knocks me out. o___e

Now it's like two in the morning and I can't flippin sleep since when ever I lay down I start hacking and dying!

Although laying in bed all day drinking tea and watching anime is nice :')


I can't take this anymore ;___; I think I'm just gonna go get ice cream and overdose on some more pills so I can actually sleep >.<



After a whole weekend of being on the verge of death due to a respitory infection it's weird being back at school after missing friday >.<;;

Not really much new as usual -__- I need a life ^^;;

anyway onto real news...HAPPY ANNIVERSARY HETALIA!!! The web comic made it's debut on March, 28 2008 ^^ I didn't discover it until December 2008 when I was browsing historical series and saw "Axis Powers" I WAS LIKE :O OH MY GOSH A SERIES ABOUT WWII!

obviously not even close to the angst ridden seriousness I was expecting(and slightly hoping for)

The World Meeting completely took me by surprise xD But granted I was hooked ^^

Can only imagine how stoked I was when the anime came out xD I first watched it on Christmas Eve 2009...my face probably looked exactly like this O____O when Germany started screaming during the meeting xDD

Three Years and I'm still completely obsessed with Hetalia ^^ Granted country personification is nothing new...heck Great Britain already had their own personification but...Arthur Kirkland is almost more of a symbol for the UK now than EVER, poor Lady Britannia ^^;;

Yep this is what USUK used to look like xD

Haha this'll probably makes me the biggest nerd in the world but Alfred makes me proud to be an American xDD If that's what Hidekaz thinks Americans are like I'm completely fine with that xD

Although when the series did get licensed it did irk me some xD Noob fans who wwere like "OHMYGOD I know so much about history!" >.<;; Has anyone every had that feeling where you've been a fan of a certain series forever before it became popular then when it does it just makes you mad for no reason xDD

Obviously I'm fricken happy it took of ^^ Hetalia has changes the world as we know it xD I still have the issue of just typing in something like just "England" into google and expecting it to pull up Hetalia pages xDD

Plus just laughing like an idiot when you find references in real life. xD My family went to the mall one day and there was a sign that said "French-UK Connections." I cracked up into a super hestaria; my stepmom looks at me weird. ^^;; SEARS SUPPORTS FRUK! xDD

Then we went to Olive Garden, a semi-italian restraunt, there was Wurst and Potato soup on the menu! xD Moments like that make me stupidly happy ^^

Urgh freaking out though the Third Volume of the manga doesn't come out until june! D: I don't want to wait! All the allies are on the cover! :DD

I've been sitting around reading the second book today ^^ I forgot all the cute N.American Bros moments ^^ Plus the England Vs. Lichenstein strip just amuses me beyond words. God Save the Queen is a really overused tune! xD Basically most the old commonwealth nations still use it to some extent plus it was the basis for alot of other nation's anthems.

Even in one line of the Star Spangled Banner...oh crap, I'm going off on a nerd lecture again >.<;;

Celebrated Greece's birthday on friday with a long day of sleeping with two of my cats. ^^ Unfortionately, my mom made me call out of work that day so I missed out on some hours. -__- I wasn't going to be working with food or anything just washing pans.

Haha, only I would want to go to work when I'm horribly ill xD It's alright though :P I got called in tonight for a co-worker. I hope I work on Pots and Pans or Main Steam Table. Dish Room and Salads/cleaning is so boring >.<

Oh crap! I forgot I have a meeting tomorrow -__- We're finally getting work e-mail and have to sit through a traing session...

Kinda mad though I have to work on my birthday...not like I was going to do anything anyway >.< Le sigh, I'm such a loser xDD

Meh that's really it >.< 6th period is boring as usual ^^;;

Update: Oh god, I just re-read this xD I fail the Queen's english!! xDD

Tag ^^;;

What's your name? Morgan :P Age? 17 almost 18 THE HECK?! xDD What country do you live in? Alfed! *thumbs up* Do you like it? nothegovermentisslowlyfallingapartandeverythingthiscountrystandforisdumb what? I mean, WE'RE THE HERO...

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New York Times

If anyone hasn't seen this check it out. Sendai Satellite Photos It's a preview of before and after the earthquake shown with a slider bar.

It's disturbing, it's like dragging your hand across a chess board ;__;

I've really been trying to think of more to do but have yet to come up with any crafty ideas. I was playing around with Indesign yesterday and kinda put together this psoter.

Although I can't think of anything to write >.< Anyone have any good ideas?