~Welcome underlings to the Federation~


Name: MoMo

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Hometown: Nebraska

Youtube: UnionJackAudrey


'eff winter

~How it today? :D~

……Really? -___- well a lovely morning mist turn all our streets into ice at 6am. Just walking out the door I slipped and fell on my ass. Owie T^T

I honestly had no idea how bad it was until I took a turn.

I slid and saved myself from hitting the median but the entire street is uphill so I fishtailed tires spinning for twenty blocks before giving up and going home.

My mom ended up taking me and got to school five mins. before 1st period got over. There were only five people in my class and our teacher wasn’t even there. >.> The one day I actually bring my stuff!!

Our classes are completely empty; should have just skipped like my dad said I should.


But this week is no uniform so I feel pretty badass in my black dress shirt and yellow tie! :D

It’s a Formal Day so all the girls are wearing dresses and heels. >.>;;
I hope they trip down the stairs I would laugh! xD

~How was yesterday?~

I still had the house to myself since all my parental units went out of town all weekend.


Yep basically just laid on the couch with my two cats and watched Invader Zim on Netflex. xDD WIN!

Also cosplayed like I always do when I’m bored. Most times at 4am; my step-dad caught me once when he got up for work I was all decked out as England, even the eyebrows! xD

I tried to do Demyx hair it kinda worked but failed since my mom stole the hairdryer, damn. :(

That was my weekend; I’m so lame! :D

Otherwise I bought some cheap wigs off of Ebay. I got a silver one and a Red one for my MafiaRomano that I’m redoing. ^^ Going to be awesome; I still need to go get stuff so I can finish making curls. I have enough hair to do both Lovi and Feli’s but I need to get blond so I can make a Matty curl for Hita. ^^

I’m also stoked since I’m pretty much officially done with my Naka-Kon cosplay! :DD Since it’s short notice and I don’t have anything else done; I’m going as Maid!Germany. So stoked!! IT’S ONLY LIKE TWENTY DAYS TIL!!! OMFG YESH!!

~Anything New~

Not really. >.> I’ve been kinda busy between school and work so I haven’t had a chance to post very much -___- gomen.

I still don't know how I'm going to get home from school >.> I hate not having my car! D: Vincent is such a tard in winter. ;_;

also I NEED FOOOD!!! SO fricken hungary o__o hungry xD

That’s really it .___. Hmmm…yes.

Remember....Do what Alfred does... just hibernate all winter! :D Fast food provides plenty of insulation! xD

=___=;; not even sure what to say..

I'm so tired today >.>;; I was half an hour late to school. ^^;



So I'm already bored out of my mind in my social justice class. We spent half the period talking about prayer and why catholics are the greatest being on earth.


Anyway she went off on this whole lecture about how Islam is becoming dominant over christianity. I really don't understand that much about Islam so I don't have much of an argument but the way she talked about it was horrible!

I mean this is a 70 year old nun and she basically said that if we don't stop this from happening our culture will be wiped out by 2050.

Funny how in my previous class we're studying the holocaust. Jews/non-Aryans polluting the master race. Islam supposedly set out to destroy the world as we know it and we must stop it at all costs? :/ hmmmmmm.

She not even out of context said that Muslims are all extremists except for a few. WTF!! I am so sick of these biased classes!! >:( According to the Nazis at my school; atheist are evil, muslims are all terrorist set out to kill us, and being gay makes you a twisted subhuman.


Then I was complaining about it at lunch and this guy completely calls me out.

After telling me about how I was so wrong for what I believe in he was like "have fun with your life since your just going to rot when you die." uh..thanks! WANTED TO RACK HIM SO DAMN BADLY =____=

This school is mass producing zombie idiots who are prejudiced against EVERYTHING!! Oh yeah, we're supposed to love everyone but our superior religion gives us the right to say horrible stuff to people.

I've grown up with this bullshit; I was in fourth grade and this priest told me I was going to hell since I wasn't catholic.

Oh how I look forward to college! <3


FISRT DAY OF SCHOOL...on a friday. Yeah they fail.

I'm just beat to hell today after staying up until 1:30am which normally doesn't hurt me but when you're a fucking night crawler for two weeks it's hard to get up. =___=

I almost hit someone drving to school since this idiot dressed in all black decided to run out into the road. I slammed on my brakes and my car skidded like 10 feet. I hate not having Anti-lock brakes -___- That bastard ruined my tires! Now I want to run him over! >:(

So first period was actually exciting since we're starting a book I've never read over the holocaust. My teacher doesn't know anything about WWII though. I had to point out that both Germany and Russia invaded Poland. But she was all like UNITED STATES this and UNITED STATES that. >.>;; Canada contributed more to the war effort really. They were the first to secure their beach Juno and broke farther into France than another other nation. But whatever...

Most of their accomplishments go unawknowlegded and complimented to British Forces.

I've actually been studying alot lately on WWII from different countries viewpoints. I watched a French documentary over German accoupation and just recentlt watched a really good movie called Europa Europa.

It's about a jewish kid who escapes and becomes part of the Hitler Youth. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone really since it's super awkward. Basically the only thing that could give him away was....his circumsision >.> There were lots of references =___= But it has to be one of my favorite movies this year. ^^ It was all in German so I could actually watch at least a quater of the movie and understand what they were saying.

lol I know way too much about History...I'm actually considering majoring in it for college.

While everyone was reading harry potter back in 8th grade I was reading about the bombing of Dresden ^^;; I was such an awkward child =___=

lol no wonder I got hooked on Hetalia so easily. ^^


My stupid religion class is finally over cept now I have to be in ANOTHER religion class with an old nun. She nice but it's creepy how she always touches you! >.>;; I have major problems with personal space.

So now I'm just sitting around in my Advanced Web Design on our old as shit computers. Seriously we still have tiny gray monitors from 1999 THE FUCK?!

Dude basically all the public schools have brand new computers and Windows 7; we have Windows XP *sigh* Damn cheapass private school. :/

I'm just depressed today since more of my friends(or so I thought) have been ignoring me. -___-

I think I only have my otaku friends left that I hang out with in the morning. So I'm okay with that. ^^ They're more fun anyway. We basically spent all our mornings talking about anime and what cosplays we're planning.

I'm leaving next period to go pick up my ancient new stereo from my grandma. I've really gotten back into Vinyl and I already have like a stack of fifteen records plus I bought Abbey Road yesterday! ^^

MEIN GOTT why am I in this generation I don't belong here!! xD *goes in a time machine back to the sixties*

Plus I bought a new computer cord since my mom blames me for losing the other one....turns out I did. I opened my backpack and THERE IT WAS! D: I just wasted 80 bucks buying a cord I thought I lost. DAMN IT! xD

I really have nothing else going on it's sooooooo boring. *dies*

But anyway its the weekend! Such a pointless day! ^^


It hurts to know that you don't see me as a friend anymore
I've known you since 2nd grade and now you don't want anything to do with me.
Blowing me off week after week and finally blocking me altogether on facebook.
How did we become so different in just a few months.
Something you were once so against has now consumed your entirely.
I begged you to put down the flask and stop smoking.
You were always so sick do you have any idea how much you worried me.
do you think I didn't care?
or is it because I didn't want to drink it no matter how much you pressed me.
I hope you like your new friends...
Because I don't need to get drunk or high to live my life.

Though it'll still hurt to come back on friday and walk past without so much as glancing at you. The memories we've shared that I would now rather forget.
It's hard to look back and see all the friends I've lost along the way; losing you has made it that much worst.

I see now how little you cared and how foolish I was to hang on...

New Years Resolutions

Following Ghosti and actually maybe sorta getting some damn stuff done this year <3

1. Get on honor roll for my last semester
2. Begin learning German more constructively
3. Actually learn how to cook >.>;;
4. Start working out again and join a gym