This is a dump space for any Asia-related stuff I (or you) think is fascinating, hilarious, just plain trippy, and everything in-between. Stuff from Southeast Asian countries is definitely encouraged, and everyone is welcome to post. (PM me to become a guest poster!) Let's all join hands and revel in the Asia-ness! :DDD

Monkey Waiters in Japan

I guess you've all heard of the monkey waiters in Japan, seeing as it has been a part of the world news these days. But for those who haven't seen it, today's your lucky day 'coz here it is:

It's quite amazing how these monkeys can do these kind of things, sometimes even better than human beings. Then again, don't many of us tend to be soft on monkeys and harsh on actual human waiters?

Want Some Pizza?

I was searching for a video of Stephen Colbert (the guy in the Colbert Report) being dressed as the letter Z in "Sesame Street" when I encountered this Japanese commercial.

This is for a pizza restaurant named Pizza-la. I thought the whole jingle was funny. Not to mention the little anime elements inside it.

Anyway, I hope you like it.

It's Not Just The Letters That's Big!

Hello once again everyone! I'm the guest poster of this World, and welcome to Only in Asia.

Yeah, me and bellpickle haven't really done much these it only weeks or has it already been months already? Anyway, I thought I'd drop by and make a few posts on this site. I was thinking of posting a Kim Jong-il parody, but since he seems to be pretty ill right now I decided to pass that one out to show some respect (even though if he's not exactly a nice guy).

So, for today, here's a really funny pic I found in Flickr. According to the original owner (tokyofortwo), this picture was taken from Japan. It took me a while to try and understand the unintentionally humorous meaning of this sign (which is odd, 'coz I'm a guy and I should know this). And...uhh...let's just make the picture do the talking.

Really cracked me up big time once I figured it out. Anyway, I hope to make some more posts here in the future. And bellpickle, this is your World, so please feel free to post here.

Photo from tokyofortwo of Flickr. Used under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic License.

Arnold Schwarzenegger in Crazy Japanese Ad

Today, we know Arnold Schwarzenegger as the incumbent Republican governor from the US state of California.

In the past, however, he has been a bit notorious for some TV bits that he did before that never fail to make us laugh up to this day (and are now scattered around in YouTube).

Today, we have a weird and funny Japanese energy drink commercial showing a weird and funny Arnold Schwarzenegger. No subtitles here, but trust me, YOU WON'T NEED SUBTITLES! It's still so freakin' funny!

Yes, ladies and gentlemen. That was the governor of California.

Introduction Post~!

Okay, I'm not sure where exactly the description sentence went (the one I wrote out when I created this thing!), so I'll just restate it here: this is basically a dump space for any Asia-related stuff I (or you) think is fascinating, hilarious, just plain trippy, and everything in-between. Stuff from Southeast Asian countries is definitely encouraged, and everyone is welcome to post. Let's all join hands and revel in the Asia-ness! :DDD

Figured it would be appropriate to start off with something from the Anime Motherland. Now available in Japan: flavored hot baths!

Yes, I know that that preview pic seems frightening. Be strong, my friends.

I LOVE the news reporter for reasons that should be obvious by the end of the video. And I also like the way he says cocoa. (Ca-COW.) Though I still don't know WHY anyone would ever want to bathe in a tub of curry water, but okay Japan. You win.

(Brought to you by Reuters. Which probably means that this was used as news fodder in world news programs the world over. Keep an eye on your TVs, people!)
