Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha~The Trilogy

The most recent anime I watched (Well,barring pig-disgusting Mars of Destruction)

The story is about a 3rd Grader named Takamichi Nanoha(the brown-haired girl pictured above) who finds a mage transformed into a ferret.She accepted his request of finding some powerful gems called Jewel Seeds and earns magical powers(and she's quite talented).However,she get herself a rival who later becomes a dear friend (borderline lover) named Fate Testarossa (the blonde girl pictured above)who also wants the Jewel Seeds

The 2nd Season is about a new threat called the Book of Darkness and the Velka-Type Knights.

The 3rd season(and the newest so far) is about when Nanoha,Fate and Hayate all reach adulthood and form a new squad with younger members.

It has been noted by TV executives that Magical Girl series usually have Multiple Demographic Appeal — not only are they popular among 4 to 9-year-old girls, but also among 19 to 30 year-old males. Shows such as Futari Wa Pretty Cure attempt to please both demographics. Nanoha is made exclusively for the second.

What makes Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha unique is the detail put into the fight scenes, much to the delight of the seinen market's nostalgia for grand space battles and fist-pumping action. It is also unique among Magical Girl series in that Nanoha loves her job, enjoys her powers, and makes responsible decisions regarding them extending into adulthood.

You'd think it's a pretty girly shoujo-ish anime,but despite the heroine being 9-years old(at least,in the 1st season),there is quite quite a lot of action and even pretty sad parts.It also has that cute,innocent atmosphere when Nanoha is with family and friends(at least,in the first 2 seasons),so people who like cuteness will love it!
But what surprised me,is that despite being Kindness' human incarnation,Nanoha is always willing to fight if her foes won't listen to reason.

The first episodes might not be that great,but as soon as Fate enters the story,the show suddenly grows the beard and it only gets better from here.

And did I mention that Nanoha and Fate are cute?

Nanoha's famous White Devil moment.

Also the scene that carved her a place among my favourite characters EVER.

Original series:8/10
StrikerS:10/10(though I only watched 2 epiodes LOL)
