
So my riddle was water....which tends to lead me to find the nearest water source in Las Noches. Of course there are a few places I could certainly look. The first would be in all the restrooms of each of the Espadas....for one fucking thing I am not going in there. I don't need to see one of the other's naked asses *stops*....although Halibel might be a treat. If I did that, I might see Yammy. Now that would be a fucking nightmare in itself...

Hiding the riddle there would be to easy and the others might find it so I doubt that is where it would be place....wait Yammy?

If my hunch is right, this certainly would give new meaning to why cats hate dogs. Damn it.

As I made my way to Yammy's territory I could smell his awful stench in the air. Has the dumbass ever heard of a shower, for fuck's sake. At least put some deodorant on, damn muscle head. Regardless, the big orge was no where to be found and even took his little side kick with him. And here I was hoping to give my foot a good warmup as I played a game of kick the pooch. *grins*

Even as I gazed around I was distracted by the smell of his room, but I found what I was looking for. His mutt's water dish. I kicked it over letting the left over water splash amongst the ground. On the bottom of the water dish was a piece of paper. Tch, so finally I was closer to getting Pantera back and being done with this little game....

I gazed upon the paper in my hand and began to open it...
