Artgrrl's other OC Brant

My other OC

NAME: Brant the Knight of Swords.

GENDER: male

AGE: ?

LOOKS: where's glowing silver armor. He glows brighter when demons or other evil entities are near. What he looks with out his armor is unknown. About 7' feet tall. There's a crest on his chest plate of a flames shaped like a heart with two swords crossed over.

PERSONALITY: Quiet as in he never talks. Very loyal and dependable. Righteous and protective. He will do whatever Aisling's tells him and it seems that nothing fears him.

EXPERTISE: Sword fighting and hand-to-hand combat. Power over fire.

BACKGROUND: Knew Aisling when she was young but she doesn't remember.

OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Puck acts as his translator but how does he do it? Can he read his mind?
