::through the rain::


I just mentioned in my recent post that we are making a music video for the nutrition month. Our filming was not yet finished and we were planning to finish it today after classes. They said that its about time for us to be in the video wearing our school uniform and dancing to the song we made.

We were rehearsing first before the actual shooting, but the rain poured and made us all wet. Not all of us have umbrellas so our bags and other things got wet (good thing the camera and the tripod didn't got wet). We decided to move the filming tomorrow. But instead of going home, we had fun playing in the rain, just like what kids do when it rains. Childhood memories and stories refreshed us and made us look like kids. We really had fun dancing, turning, running around. All of us got VERY, VERY WET.

Its a good thing that my uniform is made from a thick cloth. Or else, I wouldn't join my group mates in the rain. And also, if my uniform is wet, my classmates are gonna see the figure of my beautiful body *laughs*....

Anyways, all of us took off our shoes while we're in the rain (so our shoes won't be in a bad condition). Its not my first time to go home wet because of the rain, but its my first time that I went home barefooted. Still, we had fun while in the rain.

Nothing, just wanna share my rainy night.
