10 Years...

It's been 10 years since I joined this site and I really can't even believe that's possible. An entire decade of my life, and the majority of my online life, has included this site (and its sister sites) in some capacity. I made some incredible friends, had some great moments, learned a lot, and even took over OB in that time and I wouldn't have it any other way.

It's those friends I want to touch on here today though. I've lost touch with many (or most, really) of you over the years but I certainly haven't forgotten about you. Every once in a while, I'll wind up clicking on myOtaku and just browsing a bit, immediately being hit with a surge of nostalgia and I remember those days fondly. Sure, there was some drama but what community is entirely without it? For the most part though, we had a really good group of tight-knit people and some awesome clubs and such that sprang up as a result. Every time I start thinking about things like THAT, I start to miss those old days.

I'd love to reconnect with everyone and hopefully, I'll be able to do so at some point but in the mean time, let me just leave you with this: Thank you all for being such a huge part of my life over the past 10 years. Whether we've talked recently or it's been years, this site and its community definitely had a hand in raising me and I enjoyed every minute of it.

And to those I've known the longest - my earliest friends from the myO days (you know who you are) - an extra special thank you goes to you. I miss you all so hopefully we can reunite soon!
