Welcome, friends :D
I just noticed that Version Vibrant existed today, so I'm still getting used to it XD
In this world of fairies and unicorns, I will talk about random pointless things, rant about things that seriously bug me, and just pretty much post what's on my mind. Enjoy your stay, and don't forget to take your shoes off at the door.


Hay guys. :D
It's been a while. A long while.


But have been reincarnated as... MarthVader64. Yes, once again I have made a new account. But do not worry. . . for this one is BIGGER, BETTER, and SKILLED IN THE ART OF HEAVY WEAPONRY.

Please forgive me for not signing into theOtaku anymore. I made the new account to start fresh, I hope you don't mind.

By 'you', I mean anybody that sees my update and thinks "Hey, it's that Fenrir dude. I thought he died, or something." And clicked the link out of curiosity.

I shall gain popularity, and conquer the internet.

See you on the new account (please :D)

I love you all.


Dolloff Cave Spider

Par James Hare

September 10/ 2008. Period 3 Science.

Dolloff Cave Spider

Les Dolloff Cave spiders vie dans les cavernes de la Empire Cave System qui vas au tour de le UCSC, et le Grey Whale Ranch State Park. Ils construit leurs toile d'araignée au entrée du caverne, et sur le plafond.

L’araignée est endange parceque des vandals entre dans les cavernes, et detruit l’environment des araignées avec du feu, du graffiti, et du fume. Du l’eau qui vient de la UCSC aussi detruit le environment. L’eau entre dans les cavernes, and prends beacoup de les araignées nourriture et habitat. Le pollution dans l’eau aid a fait du mal a l’environment et araignées. Le population des Dolloff Cave Spider a dinimue beacoup dans le dernier dix anees.



Updates ahoy

Well, I started school ALL OVER AGAIN today, for another year. :D
not much to say, really... Mostly same people in my classes, except for a few drug addicts in my English class.
Social studies is my first class.. Sounds interesting so far, I guess. We have to learn about christianity, religion, and all that BS a few weeks down the road, though. XP
Oh well.
BBT is, well, awesome... We can choose to play an old RPG for the computer called "Myst" if we want to. And, yes, that counts as work. o.o
I'm in.
Science is the same crap again. Ecosystems, cells, blah blah blah... -.-
Next I have English class.. My teacher for that class is awesome. She hates assigning homework, and she's not as strict and serious as most other teachers are. Although, the down side is that I have to sit in a class filled with filthy drug addicts and their "gangsta" friends. XP
But Math was horrible. Mostly because of my teacher, Mr. Duplessie (a.k.a, sketchy Mc tard tard. Yes. I call him that.)
He has not a clue what's going on around him, he assigns homework that makes not sense, and he doesn't explain anything. I may be switching for a much better Math teacher soon, though. Hopefully the same guy that taught me in summer school.

...Anyways, I've ranted for far too long. No, seriously, my parents'll kill me if they find me on the computer this late. Sorry if I put you to sleep. :D
..Although that would be cool.. I could put entire cities to sleep and then loot all of the stores..
But you didn't hear me say that.

Oh, also, Leviathan kicked my ass on Final Fantasy IV. X.x
I need to wander around outside and level up. ._.

ANYWAYS. Byyyeee~!! :D


-Teh Fenrir Marth


I have school tommorow. Summer vacation was too short. XP
Oh well, atleast Summer is over. No more sweaty air. :D

Uhh... I cleaned my room, too. :D
But I miss Nikki. Dx (can't talk to her that much on weekdays)

Well, that's all I have to say. I'll most likely be posting more during the following school months. I dunno. School makes me want play Resident Evil, and post on myOtaku. ._.
Proof that they're trying to hypnotize us in some way.

Okay, bye. :D

Plant 42
