Welcome to the event board! this is where we have all new and upcoming events! Gijinka's can participate in these events for as long as they last. Events can be weekly or monthly or for just a couple of days, who knows! Stay tuned!!

5 / 30 / 16 *Summer cleaning~ All documents and this world are being cleaned and reviewed to prepare for opening! Now accepting applications (please refer to the "how to join" link in intro) Feel free to advertise this RP! :D
6 / 17 / 16 *Application deadline~ All new members will be announced on this day!
TBD *Summer festival! (Group RP) Will be held in a Chatroom or on google docs~~
Hello everyone!!!
I've updated the appearance of this world and I have yet to edit all of the documents and stuff but !!! I hope to get this RP up and running again soon. :'D
(Yo, it’s been almost two months. That’s crazy. Hope your winters have been wonderful thus far!)
In the west, the sun set over rolling hills of the most vibrant green I’d seen t...
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Anishaa sighed. Today was the day. It was her first day at work as a nurse. She was very excited, and yet extremely nervous. She could only hope that he employer would like her and that she would keep her job.
If she got fired on the first ...
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(Oh goodness! I hope this isn't too long! Tell me if it is and I'll shorten it or something! I write a lot! I'm sorry! Let me know please!! Now... On to what you all came here for! This is Nai-Nai's first post and my goodness is he a cutie! I hope...
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