The Swine flu in ecuador

dam a kid came from a vacation trip from miami and got tested positive for swine flu in guayaquil city airport the put him on cuarentine but his really stupid mom take him to school

now that was stupid the kid assited one of the largest highschool in the city hundreds of kids assist to that school so the directory comitee of this highscool gave this students a 10 days curentine starting today and guess what they sended their children to their houses stuppid parents in a tiny bus it only takes one kid coughing and coughing for an hour to get the whole bus filled out with germs plus there are children who will walk to their house now remember this started at 7:30 am the classes ended at 2:30 pm this like 7 hours thats what... like 3 hours more than the time normal flu needs to start the dicease so by the time they are walking home they are already coughing asuming 5 people are walking on the same side of street 2 of them are likely to get infected and this is just one kid from a 20 kids small bus
and this is just one bus from a 6 buses fleet

and that without counting children that get home waiting for their parents

and do you really people are gonna stay quiet waiting ten days of their school nah party!!! one would contaminate 5 people

what we could do nothing but watch
hey that's life wish me
post you the next time if i survive ja ja! XD
