welcome dear stranger! by a twist of fate, you have stumbled across this tiny world of mine.

I am quite an odd person at times, and at others, totally predictable. Shoot me an PM if you wanna chat, or comment- I always reply to comments & PMs!

Quid pro quo. I give so that you may give.

I hate titles

....sorry about my rant last time, and DarkFox 013 & Candy-chan-kun(lol) if I hit you for no reason, sorry! oooh.... S says we have to use eggs of all things.. can't we use candy darnit?!? Use eggs you waste FOOD! GET that into your head dammit it S! On top that, talk about dropping a bomb, turns out my enemy WASN"T suspended... Lets call him KK for now OK?!? I don't have enough time for my fan manga due to the STUPID POSTERS. oh,and if you are DarkFox 013, and are reading this, please PM me the times for the S.T.U.P.I.D poster (u know what I mean..)



....I think I hate S

You know DarkFox 013, one of my best friends on & off TheOtaku... Well she's posted all about our hated S. Well, I asked about our event a while ago, and she acted like she didn't care ANYTHING about the event! Kuso.*massages head*. And we can't finish, as DF pointed out, our posters, because we don't even KNOW the time etc. TT_____TT ah... &*%*O%&*^&$$^ (I curse the most out of all three of us, DarkFox 013, I


This banner was made by Dark Fox 013, a good friend of mine. All SSJ club members must have this banner. So...

SSJ ninja club banner

Well, here 's a banner made by my friend, Dark Fox013. It's pretty good for her second try at using a tablet I'll say!

... Version Vibrant ......

So this is the famous Version Vibrant.... jeez. Well, better tell you who I am tho' you probably know. I'm K-san of the SCN (ShadowCatNinja) team, with DarkFox 013 and Baka, (who now prefers to be called Baka-Chan.) Well, going to check out the site. I've already run into bugs *smashes passing bug*
