I'm more or less interested in anything dealing with Itachi but I get interested easily with any manga/anime
I'm not much to talk about an amateur artist trying to put up art for people to see as well as fan art. I hope you like this world I'm probably just do journal entries and compare things in life with some in anime/manga

Alina and Good times

I know all the times I smiled. A friend who made a funny joke, or did something that was just ridiculous.
I remember a time a friend who wrote a page on something but had to have a intro to it so he ripped out the paper and re wrote the stuff on the page behind it..he still had no intro...He was so silly he just yelled out Fuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkwhat a silly dude
I had so many awesome laughs I forgot about the good times.
I always remembered the bad things that happened to me...but its today that I remember because of those friends that share a smile with me when I am down.
People who say I make their day because of a prank. Or a prank gone wrong.
I remember I tried to get a friend back for what he did to me and in the end I got the wrong guy back...he laughed but he got his revenge on me and the other dude.
we had our laughs up until you left we laugh still but I sometime do miss it when we had our laughs our jokes and our inside jokes.
Me and Elizabeth both but we still can have a smile at times or at times make a joke on each other.
I even made a comic for him with the "if you were gay" song he laughed and said that he was going to get us back for that as well. Nothing so far.
I love the joy times. A friends b-day passed and she had a great time she is always saying no one loves her and she has no one to turn to but I always say "im here." and others tell her the same thing. For once she had a true smile and not a false one like I would have.
I share smiles now and aparantly a friend told me..."why aren't you really happy? You know I you sister and I care if you are happy or not. You make my day when your happy sis." I never knew that but then again...I started to see that when I smile I make someones day...I make their day everyone who can't seem to stand to see me fall. I always ran on my instincts if their mad don't talk if their sad try to cheer em up if they are saying bad stuff about you ignore em...But now I just don't want to run on instincts. I mean..they don't help at all. I am so glad that I have had a great time with these people those who I met from my elementary year up to now...I'm glad. And I glad that we shared such an awesome time with one another helping and supporting each other.
Thanks to them I lift up and thanks to theotaku I also gotten stronger and more inspired. I have big competition ahead in drawing and improving.
So I have seen a good life in my life.
Some jokes
Some Pranks and good friendships that I somehow can try and keep stable. Most of them anyway.


I knew about this...I knew about this since my freshmen year...I seen the artist from before and now I am still amazed.
I wanted to join but at times I just couldn't do it because I didn't know what was to be done for this.
I always laughed with the comics made. I loved them since they made my day.
I see the drawings and I am amazed with aw's.
I see the wallpaper and the ecards....I find them amazing as hell I think I liked it and for once I was able to join and since then..I was glad, am glad to see this website to know about it to be apart of it. I began and I knew no one. I began to create drawings and upload them and found one person who supported me all the way from start til now...Chichi6 a great friend and someone who helped me threw when I needed help on this web. I thank her for that. I really do. And now I am grateful to those who are helping me now too...Those who comment. Those who subscribe. Those who make me feel that I should continue in my art. My world is where I say what I feel and write what I do or all that stuff that make my day good or bad...I have people who comment to me. Give me advice. Give me hope. Give me hugs. Share a smile.I may not know these people face to face but they really do help me. They may not know it but those who have given me advice and support are family to me.
I have a family but here I have a second Family. Dorky? Sure I guess this is dorky but theotaku has given me the most support to post my art my stuff. I may be on my own as I say all this but I really do appreciate theotaku for being such a friendly place.
For having awesome artist and members who can comment so much and give as much advice when needed.
Thanks to Chichi6, Omnia1, Mangakid, kamichama karin s and all the others that have given me a chance to stop being hard on myself.
If someone days something bad about my art I know there are people like you who give me the support I need to continue on.

The thoughts of Jealousy

No I don't mean jealousy for a guy or girl...
I mean in art
I see them everyday and I see so many art work and I think..wow. I think maybe their better than me. I mean whoa. Amazing i am jealous.
But I look at my art...what? I drew this...it's nothing like theirs...
I compare and for what? I compare and I talk bad about my own work. I see others art may they be friends or people I don't even know and I am already judging my art work in the worst way ever.
I even at times trash them and so many times I regret it.
I feel stupid for judging my art.
I feel stupid for wanting to be where the other people are at in their art
...but what happens to my art??
Where does my style go if I try to copy someone else's style?
I wonder so much on why i want to be like them. Their art is great yeah but...I like my art. No I love my art.
I can't ignore my art my art is my art.
I wonder if I am alone on this.
I love my art.
I left my style....when I was 12 I left my art style wanting to copy others people style.
I got it back but now I want to get better in my style...My style I will get better at my style...

A little happiness

I know life has it's up and down but everyone can find a happiness...even if its only a little bit. Even when life gives you bad thoughts or people who hate you. Their not worth your time. They don't know the real you. You know you...I know me...I have my bitter days and bitter issues. I always try to find happiness in the wrong places. The wrong people.I thought happiness was from the heart or at least from a passion it is but not always. I mean at times I talk to a few friends and they know the right thing to say to me. At times they make it worst and I just walk away from them.

I know Life has it's up and downs. I don't know who to go to. Not my family at times not my friends...Who do I go to for that little happiness that I need or want?
I don't know. I don't think I can find happiness in this place I call home or a school. Not even my church. I wonder how I can find that happiness and in the end I decided it be this. To write. To type. I find happiness with this. My little happiness is from this writing or drawing (at times)

I don't know why I get sad or why I find it hard to find happiness but to be honest I think I rather find happiness than lie to the people I care for and make them think I am happy.
I know life has it's up and downs but I wonder when my happiness will come around.

Re-think Death

In this world so many people fall...I mean I am one who fell not one or twice...almost everyday of my life I felt like falling...I never wanted to see tomorrow.I even said I would end all my friendships and I ended up making people cry.I know this life is being coming more and more chaotic but why is it that I let all that chaos effect me?
I lived in a bad area...I gotten robbed. I have gotten beaten by my own brother and sister...I got angry when my grandpa left. I hated my life my parents blame me for getting hurt by my brother and sister.
I cried...I cried every night.
I sulked.
I stopped eating.
I tried running away, I even tried suicide at age 12.
Dying isn't an answer....Dying isn't going to work that's a escape...to run from the troubles.
We move to another part we still get robbed but the beating stop. I am better but still get angry when my parents think I start an argument that I tried to stop. Punching walls. Punching everything in the rooms breaking glass...Cutting skin...it felt great up until my sister found out..I quit that and then almost committed suicide yet again...at age 15...not to far apart from the first time. I hated the arguing, the yelling the blames. The gossip the hurtful words...all of it..but I didn't...I didn't go threw with it.
Last time...I get angry...at friends wanting to end friendships ending connections that I had for the longest time...I'm the worst for doing that I even started hurting others as I have been hurt it sick but that is what made me happy...to see others hurt. But then I got tired of it...I ran again....I am back in this room...the room that I seem to come to every time I am mad, sad, in destructive mode. The bathroom...the room where it is private...I done the attempts of suicide here and no one figured it out...and here I am again wanting to end it yet again...I am 16...I am still a artist wanting to become great...wanting to be a musician that is like no other drum artist...be great and become the one who can do her best as best as she can. Not for praise. Not for fans but for myself...to prove I can do what I can if I put my mind to it. I am here and with me is a knife...I want to end it...so bad...I been criticized because of my art. My drumming.,.. I had a band that disbanded...we barley had a year together....I don't understand why...Why? Again....I don't do it...I didn't suicide...And again no one knows.
I am now 17....I am happier. I have better friends and still have the ones I almost lost because I wanted do be alone...I have them and more. I a argue with my parents but not as bad as before..I am happy. They listen to me. They help me. They don't say it's my fault if my bro or sis hits me...there's a reason for why they believe me they actually hear me out now...I am happy. I went threw suicide attempt and I live still....I am happy I am loved I re thought...and I see now...Suicide is never the answer......