
I knew about this...I knew about this since my freshmen year...I seen the artist from before and now I am still amazed.
I wanted to join but at times I just couldn't do it because I didn't know what was to be done for this.
I always laughed with the comics made. I loved them since they made my day.
I see the drawings and I am amazed with aw's.
I see the wallpaper and the ecards....I find them amazing as hell I think I liked it and for once I was able to join and since then..I was glad, am glad to see this website to know about it to be apart of it. I began and I knew no one. I began to create drawings and upload them and found one person who supported me all the way from start til now...Chichi6 a great friend and someone who helped me threw when I needed help on this web. I thank her for that. I really do. And now I am grateful to those who are helping me now too...Those who comment. Those who subscribe. Those who make me feel that I should continue in my art. My world is where I say what I feel and write what I do or all that stuff that make my day good or bad...I have people who comment to me. Give me advice. Give me hope. Give me hugs. Share a smile.I may not know these people face to face but they really do help me. They may not know it but those who have given me advice and support are family to me.
I have a family but here I have a second Family. Dorky? Sure I guess this is dorky but theotaku has given me the most support to post my art my stuff. I may be on my own as I say all this but I really do appreciate theotaku for being such a friendly place.
For having awesome artist and members who can comment so much and give as much advice when needed.
Thanks to Chichi6, Omnia1, Mangakid, kamichama karin s and all the others that have given me a chance to stop being hard on myself.
If someone days something bad about my art I know there are people like you who give me the support I need to continue on.
