
You know...I say this before anything...
If you want my help cool...but don't blame me if something goes wrong or it doesn't turn out your way.
People say "Ok" but what happens??
Shit!!!! that what happens
You say okay then out of no where when it goes bad ou did what you said you wouldn't.... "It's all our fault don't talk to me" or "it our fault our not a true friend!"

........WTF!???? HEll! I told you and see what you do you blame me. The heck?? You said you wouldn't and you still did it!!!!!! PUNK! BITCH FUCK YOU TOO!!! I hate that!
I know I say no...but if you really need my help I say ok but don't say it my fault if something goes bad. Or not your way.
I hate that might as well shut up hide in a corner and wait for you to ask someone else who can help you that way they get blamed instead of me.
Why do people do that? Blame someone who was only helping...when you asked them to. When they said don't blame me why blame them?
I know there could be reasons to blame...but why blame them if it's your plan>??? I hate that. I hate that so much to the point I always try to beat something which makes me end up hurt myself... oh well...what to do.
