I love you too

I sit here
Leaning back against a huge oak tree
With your head in my lap
Your sleeping
And I can't help but smile
You look so peaceful
Even in your sleep
But I can't help but smooth out your hair
You smile at me even with your eyes closed
Then you open your eyes and look at me
I laugh at you
Because I can't think of anything else to do
You get up and look at me with that smile on your face
Then you lean closer to me
And kiss me
I close my eyes
And kiss you back
You break away from the kiss and smile
I open my eyes and look at you
You get up and hold out your hand to help me up from the ground
I hold your hand and lean against you while we walk
You let go of my hand ad put your arm around my waist
I look up at you and smile
You look at me and laugh
I laugh too
Then I stand on my tip-toes and kiss you
You kiss me back
We break apart and keep walking
I can't help but laugh
You look at me again
But this time there is something mischievious in your eyes
I look at you and ask you why you have that look in your eyes
You tell me because you love me
I look away and feel my face growing warm
Then I look back at you and say 'I love you too'
