Character Applications


Name: Macy
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Entry Fee: Intelligence
About: Blonde ponytail, blue eyes, and a bubbly personality, Macy is a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. Despite being a teen genius in life--without her entry fee, Macy can barely tie her shoes. Slow at understanding even the simplest things, unable to process big words, and an inability to deal with stressful situations, Macy isn't the most... helpful of Players. Despite this, she's a big sweetheart with a kind disposition, putting others before herself when it counts. She hopes that by winning the Game, she will be able to return to her pharmaceutical research, which has the potential to help many people.

Why do you wish to play?: betch i run this thing
Skype: alysomethingorother
Time Zone: EST
Known Conflicts: Working a job from 9-5 Monday through Friday
Plot Ideas: Under the assumption that my Partner gets erased, I would like for Macy to be offered a position as a Reaper. Under the assumption that she wins and undergoes serious development, I would like her to refuse the returning of her entry fee.

Name: Kin
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Type: Harrier
About: Standing at about 5'7" with snake bites, amber eyes, tan skin, and a mysterious scar on his cheek is a hardened Reaper who is tough on Players and Reapers alike. A fan of teasing weak Players and soft-hearted Reapers, Kin can be downright cruel with his words. An extreme realist, he has a thing about people not taking the Game seriously. Around those not on his radar, however, he's fairly laid back, with a very sarcastic sense of humor. Acquaintances and enemies can usually spot him sporting his signature blue and black-checkered hoodie and a mop of black hair covered with a white beanie.

Are you interested in being an Officer?: Nah

Plot Ideas: None, other than tormenting a few Players and proooobably breaking a few rules wink