Too Busy for Life

For the last month and a half, I've been working double shifts at work. On the flip side of that, I get three day weekends, which is awesome. This situation will end soon though and I'll have normal shifts again, which I have mixed feelings about.

Random: At work, I listen to the radio all day. There's a particular set of commercials for a particular school and the woman who voices (? (I don't know what you'd call it professionally)) the commercial sounds uncannily like the anime voice actress who is probably best known for playing male roles. Do you know who I'm talking about? I always listen real hard to those commercials to see if I can figure it out but it's hard. I doubt that would be a credit I could find on IMDB....

Otherwise, I picked up a second cosplay commission and that's been fun, in the brief snatches of time that I have to work on it. It started as a full-package deal (costume, accessories, and wig) and then somehow grew to include three wigs and props. I'm not complaining.

I finished one of my comics and was going to upload it last week but I couldn't crop the pictures for some reason or other so I'll have to do some finagling with it. Which will have to wait until I'm not working. Also, the actual uploading may or may not happen. TheO has a history of not recognizing that I've uploaded something. It's weird.

Anyway, now that that comic is done, I've started looking over the first comic I was working on and...well....I really shouldn't get so distracted. I have all these notes and, although I know what they mean, I don't know what I was going to do with them. Bah. Maybe I'll just work on another trope writing....
