Nothing Much

Despite not having "blogged" (can you call this blogging?) for a while, there's not much to say. I work full time now and that generally takes up my day. I try to sneak in some television watching in there somewhere.

If you haven't noticed, I've uploaded some stuff. Art and whatnot. Check it out if you're so inclined.

Cosplays are plugging along. The commission is coming along nicely, if very slowly. I'm taking my time on this one, for sure. My personal group cosplay has recently turned into a singular cosplay. I'm not totally surprised about this....The two who were a part of this group are in financial straights...but I'm a bit disappointed, I suppose. It would have been fun.

I watched this movie recently, Tai Chi Zero. I like kung fu movies and this one was a lot of fun. It was original and funny with a pretty solid story line. One review called it the hyperactive love child of Scott Pilgrim and kung fu and that's the most apt way I can describe it. I look forward to finding the sequel.

I heard the other day that there is a dinosaur exhibit close by where you can ride a giant animatronic T-rex. It sounds amazing.

And that's it for me. Hope you're all well.
