
I was reading some shojo manga the other day and I noticed that the main girl character kept being pinned or trapped against a wall by the main guy character. Has anyone else noticed that that happens a lot in manga? Especially shojo manga. So I thought, "Why?"

Is there something appealing to that? Is it the seduction of danger? Obviously, it's a good way to make a character fess up to something or bend them to your will, what have you. But usually it isn't used in that sort of way. Usually it's some out-of-the-blue romantic scene that causes a lot of tension.

That's not to say that I don't think these moments are pointless or stupid. They're really effective in creating a moment and bringing a story up a notch. I think I've used that circumstance once or twice in my writing (I can't really remember). Perhaps, though, it is a little overused. What do you think?
