Brave 10 Review

The pandemic as well as personal family issues have kept me away for a while but not entirely.

Saizo is a cold hearted killer, not bound by a master, the ninja cuts through his enemies without mercy until a chance meeting with Isanami draws him into the feudal conflicts of one Sanada Yukimura. Whether he likes it or not, Saizo is charged with protecting the clingy priestess Isanami who has an artifact that can destroy life. With many enemies after her, Saizo will need all the help he can get to keep Isanami safe, god help him.
You could probably guess from my not so subtle sarcasm that I greatly dislike Isanami, she's kinda the real reason why damsels in distress are so disliked; let me explain, when hearing the term damsel in distress you immediately think of a princess locked in a tower awaiting rescue so basically Princess Peach; Isanami is also a damsel in distress as she to gets kidnapped regularly with the lead needing to save her all the time but that's where the similarities end.
Princess Peach has been shown attempting escape a couple of times, her problem is that her Toadstool subjects are pathetic and that Bowser is way more prepared than she'll ever be, Mario is really her only option.
Isanami clings onto Saizo, can't make a solid action without him coming along, feels sorry for herself regularly, does practically nothing to escape and has to lose herself entirely just to unleash her death powers and despite all this, Sanada Yukimura deems her worthy enough to become one of his 10 Braves.
Isanami's character is just painful to watch, although Saizo is too much of a smuck to really commit to his edgy personality, the rest of the cast are a bit more interesting but you aren't really getting your money's worth out of them despite taking from the Sengoku period, an easy source of good characters.
I don't believe there's a dub, thank the lord, I think Isanami would be ten times worse if it did.
Final Verdict: I really wanted a good cast out of this, but with both leads being terrible and a supporting cast of average and okay characters you're really not getting a good anime.
