Member Review
Member Name: (link please)
Join Date:
Title: (like senior, otakuie, etc. IF their rank changes you do not have to fix this)
Major: (like do they do mostly fan art, wallpapers, etc. They can have more than one if you think it's a tie.)
Number of Fan Arts: (If they have none, do N/A. Put one example if they do. In bold, put the name of the fan art under the fan art)
Number of Fan Words: (If they have none, do N/A. Put one example if they do by linking)
Number of Wallpapers: (If they have none, do N/A. Put one example if they do)
Number of Ecards: (If they have none, do N/A. Put one example if they do. In bold, put the name of the ecard under the ecard)
Number of Quizzes: (If they have none, do N/A. Put one example if they do by linking)
Number of Fan Comics: (If they have none, do N/A. Put one example if they do. If it's a series, just do the cover. In bold, put the name of the comic under the image)
Interesting Notes: (Please put as bullets)