World Name: New world
Leader Name: Darkwarriorgodess
Number of Members: 1
Summery: A new full metal alchemist role-play that is still under construction. It is after the promise day so obviously some characters aren't around. But now a new evil is rising. The humunculi are back and they have plans that no one seems to know about. And that something will awaken the gold humunculi. Now it's your turn to save everyone!
Personal Opinion: It's still very new and under construction but I think it will be a great roleplay.
Number of Pages: 1
Based off of or Personal: It's obviously based off of full metal alchemist.
Interesting Notes: It doesn't have very many memebers so if you join now you could actually become part of the developement of the group.
Recommend To: All full metal alchemist fans but really anyone could get into it.
Age Ranking: probably 13+ would be good.
Recommends to Make it Better: Well it definately needs to get some rules and stuff posted but they are probably working on them right now.