Astrum Angles...! Move out!


The night was deep... Wolves were hollowing... Moon was watching from above... How many years have passed since then? What has happened? Who am I?? Slowly it was approaching. I could feel in the air. I need to finally set it free!

"Auch, what are you doing?" Erlos hit me hard in the head, almost making me fall. I stood up and looked. An outfit worthy of the true angel. He was shining bright in the darkness. Everything around him was just a myth. Why can't I become someone like that...
"Stop crying there and finally get up! We need to close this section of the dream before it comes to dangerous. Quickly follow me."
And I began following him, trough the night. As I ran I could see the bright light that was coming from him. A sudden moment stuck me again. I finally fell...

I was looking around myself. Darkness everywhere. Darkness so big that no light could escape from it. I was alone, sad. I was just sitting there and I knew this. This is not the first time that I got here. No... It is always like this. I could hear a female voice. I turned around a looked. It was... my mom. She was so beautiful and young. But how? Isn't she dead? How I died anyway, how I came up here? My head... it gives me big headache.
"Argh, NO! Mom, don't go." As I was running faster and faster towards her, she disappeared even more. As I moved my arm, I could only touch air. There was nothing... Only emptiness.

"NO! Don't leave me here! Huh..." I woke up... I noticed that I am laying in a bed. It was an angel remedium. The name for the hospitals here. It was much more beautiful than those in the real world, though this was first time that I was in here. All walls were from pure white color. Around them were flowers, beautiful ones. And outside when I look I could see shivering rivers as they go in one place, forming a fountain. It was something beyond my imaginations, but a little too fancy for me. I didn't have time for that. I moved to stay, but in that moment a nurse angel came in.
"Please sir, just rest! You don't have to get up now." I struggled wanting to get up, but I could feel that still I was a little week.
"Get out of my woman, I am fine! Don't you see!" I struggled even more, but then I could hear a familiar voice...
"Please let him go. If he says he is fine, then we have no time to waste. The situation is desperate." It was Erlos. I couldn't remember anything that happened that day.
"Erlos, shouldn't we..."
"You fool there, get up! We are moving! We are already late, I will explain the details to you later!"
I moved, even if I still felt week. I raised my left white wing and flew from out the window there. Erlos was quick to follow.

"Why do you not use your both wings? You are using too much energy with just one." Erlos was looking over my broken one wing.
I was known in the whole team as the one-winged angel. I only used one. Not because I didn't have the other... But because it is a shame to show it.
"I am sorry Erlos, but I think that we need to hurry with details."
He looked at me a little angry, but still moved his lips in a smile as almost as he understood.
"Very well then. After you fell during that mission to save the dream, I discovered something new. Something that only the main Cloud could understand. I brought him that and he immediately told me to gather you all so that we can being our mission." He looked back again as he was moving closer to the meeting point.
"But does that mean..." I was a little confused, but I think that I knew what was happening.
"No time for that now, you shall hear more at the meeting."
We finally came...

The place was big, covered in nice walls and clouds around it, it reminded me on the first time I came here. Windows were shaped in circles and small triangles. All doors were made of silver, except for one there... The main gate. It was golden and full of self honor. It was so big that there were several gatekeepers needed to open it. They only answered to Astrum Angels.
"Oh great gatekeepers. Please, let us in!" Erlos said with a thick voice and the gates began opening.
I turned my head and noticed someone. Someone familiar... I whispered to one of the gatekeepers.
"Listen, when two female angels come here, then open the gates. You know, don't let them in just that. Play a little at first until we get all ready inside."
"I understand! I shall do as you command!"
"Good..." I once again moved my head and looked at her. This will be fun.

Inside the meeting took place. The Erlos began speaking and I was just observing... Observing and looking at one specific person. She was so beautiful that day. I think that her name was Evelyn.
"Ugh, I am forgetting everything and like she matters now."
Some angels turned and looked at me.
"What are you looking there? Anything interesting?" They just backed their views.
I again took a look at her. No matter how I wanted not to, I just couldn't let my heart not follow my mind. She was just so beautiful. I already though too much. Thanks to hear, I couldn't hear nothing that Erlos had to say. Ah well...

After the meeting was over, only I, Erlos, Eternity and Evelyn stayed. Eternity and Evelyn were cracking up from something.
"What's so funny?" I looked at them confused.
Erlos moved and broke the laughter. He explained that we need to begin working and fighting the demons.
"We shall be the main striking team." He looked at Evelyn knowing that she is unsure a little.
"Evelyn shall go with Valor as scouting force. I shall go with Eternity to find the best way to go to human word and defend them from the demons."
When I heard that I will go with Evelyn, I immediately began feeling a little nervous. I moved my legs and placed my hand on my face.
"Is something wrong, Evelyn asked?"
"No, nothing, I am just... Thrilled because we are going to be in the first lines."
"Oh, okay. Well then shall we go?" Just as Evelyn said that, she embraced her two big and beautiful wings, so bright that the sun itself couldn't show the presence in my eyes.

I was ashamed to open my wings. But after a long break, I finally raised my arm and struck my left wing as much as I could. White feather began falling from it.
Evelyn stood looking with her two emerald eyes.
"So you are the one who they call..."
"A One-winged angel, yes!"
I pushed my wing from the ground and began flying as high as I could into the sky. With no hesitation Evelyn began flying with me as well.

"So do you only have one wing?"
"I actually have two wings. I don't use the other one."
"But why? I think that you would be..."
"That I wouldn't look like this fallen and shameless angel. Is that what you wanted to tell me?!" She backed away a little, but then moved with a serious look on her face.
"No. I actually think that one wing is pretty cool, you know." She was looking me with those nice eyes. I couldn't take it anymore, but I needed to stay focused.
"Yeah, whatever. Let's just keep going. But thanks..." She was satisfied after hearing that.
I blushed a little, but was more than ready now to do my part.

Back on plaza, Eternity and Erlos were standing and organizing their plan.
"That kid. He just got away when I wanted to tell him something important."
Erlos was a little angry, but still satisfied how the things went. Back there Eternity was sitting on a top of a cliff waiting that he finish his little talk.
"HEY ERLOS! You are boring, could we just move." Erlos stopped there at the moment. Raised his eyebrows and looked at her.
"Come down. You will get hurt." She was laughing up there. Erlos was actually a little worried. He looked around the cliff and was beginning to get ready if she starts falling.
"You know, there is no way that I..." Suddenly she slipped and began falling from the cliff. Erlos knew that at that rate she won't be able to open her wings and that she will fall down.

"No, just hold. I will save you!" He opened his big magnificent wings who were rumored to have been given from the Master Cloud himself, and began flying towards her. As the wind was striking his face, he couldn't see well.
He tried to grab her hand, but every time he tried that, her hand just slipped. The wind was faster and the ground closer...
"Don't look down! Just breach!"
Gathering all her strength, she moved his hand up and grabbed Erlos's hand.
Just in that moment he immediately pulled her back and placed her at the top of his back and with a great force moved a one strike from his wings into the ground.

"Phew, that close." Eternity just patched a big innocent smile towards Erlos.
"I will do two things with you. First punish you, because that was just stupid of you. You know what happens when angel die, don't you? And second, I will actually reward you later, because we just found the best way to get us to the human world."
Eternity began moving towards Erlos and said something in a soft chilling voice close to his ear...
"Well punish me now. No one will see." Erlos just backed from her and put his serous face back again.
"Let's just move, there is a lot to do here."
"Yes, sir! Hehe, you sure know what to do in any situation." She in the other way was just smiling and trying to get the mood back up.

"We arrived!" I stood and looked. It was the great spot. The one that was said that no angel should come closer. The great demon gates.
"Are you ready, Evelyn?" I looked at her with a strong look in my eyes.
"Yes! It is time."
I was afraid. But not for my self. But for her...


Phew, so this was my first post. I hope that it wasn't very long and too boring to read. Your is much better than my, but I tried to at least follow up a little.^^ It is a little long, because of the Erlos part that I put there. But still since this was an intro, I guessed that we can go a little all out. :)
Can't wait to see how you will continue. :D If I remember correctly, we now will do with one demon and then with one human and then again with rest others.
