This'll Be Fun

❖ V ❖

"Well, well, look at what we have here," Fox drawled lazily, crossing his arms and taking a defensive step in front of me. The sleeves of his mostly unbuttoned dress shirt were rolled up to his elbows, and you could clearly see the toned muscles of his arms through the thin fabric.

Before us was the Crux Clan; Merlox, Devion, and a bunch of other sniveling goons that followed them around like lost puppies. I, the leader of the Kage Clan, was well aware of their notorious and equally dangerous presence. Now, avoiding them was not an option.

Rolling my eyes at my idiotic partner, I leaned on my left leg and jutted out a hip, gazing at the Crux Clan menacingly. Merlox was short as always, with messy dark black hair and eyes like rubies. Devion, his eternally loyal servant, regarded me with half-opened blue and red eyes, long white clothes embodying the angelic figure he could never be.

How sad.

I sneered at the two, "What do you want?"

Merlox spread out his hands, gazing at me with those irritatingly cunning eyes. "Nothing much."

Fox and I snarled simultaneously at the demon, midnight-black wings itching to unfurl from our backs. I took a deep breath and attempted to calm down. It would be of no use if I recklessly acted now...

Fox was striding across the cavern we stood in, oblivious to my obvious desire for him to not act rashly for once, and I grabbed the collar of his shirt before he could get too far, yanking it so hard that he flew into the wall behind us. Stone flew out of the mold of himself he created in the cave's smooth surface. The impact created a thundering echo that resonated throughout the large space we were in.

"Moron," I muttered. Sighing, I turned back towards Merlox and Devion, who were observing the scene with amusement. My eye twitched and I counted to ten before speaking again. Fox rejoined me, brushing the dust and debris off his clothes. He growled underneath his breath, but held back from saying anything. Probably 'cause he was hoping to get me in his bed tonight. Idiot.

I was about to send a sideways glare at Fox, when the first demon pounced. Lightning fast reflexes caused both Fox and I to dodge the lunge and land a blow to the demon's head in unison. The fool fell to the floor; its neck twisted at an odd angle. The rest of my clan stood behind Fox and I, all prepared to fight at a moment's notice.

"Don't tell me you came here just to fight?" Fox asked, smirking. He punched a fist into his other hand in what was supposed to be an intimidating way, but just made him seem even more moronic than usual.

"Don't get cocky, stupid," I warned him, eyes scanning his sandy hair and golden eyes with disgust.

Fox merely winked my way, and another snappy remark was on the tip of my tongue when the whole of the Crux Clan leaped towards us, wings flapping and battle cries bellowing from their mouths.


The feeling of a hand on my leg snapped me out of my reverie, directing my attention down towards my thigh-high covered crossed legs, to a mysterious figure crouching under the desk I was at. Standing up so quickly the wooden chair I was perched on fell backwards, I held myself back from kicking him as the chair turned into a pile of dust from the force.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I shouted, as Fox poked his head out from underneath the desk and stood up.

He grinned at me slyly, "You never know when I'd ever get a chance like that again, you never space out for that long..."

"Shut up," I snapped, plopping on a nearby chair and gazing at the black abyss that was the ceiling of the room we were in. Hell was like a network of caves underneath a fiery city and kingdom where the devil himself resided. Lovely place, really. I'd suggest checking it out the next time you have a vacation. In the darkness I pictured the raging fight that had occurred just a few hours ago. I wasn't too worse for wear, silver hair falling in sheets around me and dark purple eyes as cold as always.

The battle between the Kage and Crux clans ended with many casualties and injuries, and neither clan had seemed to have won. In the end, we called a truce, and a strange plan was born from the fight...

"You know you want me," Fox teased me smugly, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his black ripped jeans. The look he was giving me sent chills up my spine, even though my outfit left little to the imagination. My chest was almost bursting out of the low-cut t-shirt I was wearing, and a mini-skirt that swished whenever I moved was a far cry from modest.

"What I want, is for this stupid plan to work," I whispered, furrowing my eyebrows in thought. Merlox, Devion, Fox, and I had concocted a plan to destroy the angels, a plan that would surely not fail. It was a virus we would plant in mortals' dreams, causing them to sleep for eternity, to never wake up from the prophecies in their mind.

Suck on that, you stupid angels.

Obviously if I was in charge of this plan, there would be no worries at all. But because I had to work with that fool Merlox and his little puppet demon Devion, there would be more... Complications.

A resigned sigh from me caused Fox's brow to crease with worry, and he strolled over to the chair I was on, placing his arms on either side of me on the desk behind. Bending his face down so that it was at the level of my neck, he planted small kisses along my collarbone, slowly making his way up my neck until he reached my lips.

I shivered with pleasure; feeling the urge to stab him to death or kiss him to death. Either one would be fine with me at this point... Just as his lips were about to meet mine, the instinct to injure him badly kicked in, and I sent him flying into the cave walls without a second thought.

As if that intimate scene had never occurred, I stretched my arms and stalked off to find my new partners, just to hear a cursing Fox jogging to catch up behind me.

"Look at this," he demanded, producing a black orb from the pocket of his jeans.

I peered inside the globe curiously, wondering what could have distracted Fox so easily from his most recent rejection. In the inky blackness of the granite sphere, I saw the image of two vague winged shapes flying through a labyrinth of multiple caves. Heat radiated from the sheer black mountains framing the scene, and a kingdom far below the two figures was emanating a dark aura.

The first thing I realized with a start was that the people flying in the picture were angels. What the hell? The second was their location. Hell. Now that was ironic.

"What are those angels doing here?" I scoffed, brushing off the infiltration easily. Underneath my calm facade, I was worrying. Had they figured out our plan already? That would have to be taken care of. And soon.

A purple ribbon slowly floated down to the floor and I tied it on a short strand of my hair hurriedly as Fox and I stormed through a maze of tunnels underneath Hell's main city. Most of the demons lived there, but in the recesses of this demonic wasteland was where the most dangerous beings dwelled.

"Who knows, but you know what this means?" I could hear the confident smirk in Fox's voice, but for once it's cockiness didn't set me off.

"We terminate them," I replied with a cold smile that didn't reach my eyes. This would be fun.


Bleh. I'm not in as good of a writing mood as I was in yesterday. T.T When I came to write this post, I realized that I didn't know at all how the battle was supposed to go, so I hope that I can leave the details up to you? XD That was a pretty vague flashback... I apologize! Continue? ^^
