Beautiful as a flower


"Floria, will you come fast. Lunch is ready~!"
"Yes, mom..."
I answered leaving my flowers. I ran towards her in a quick and happy way. I jumped after every flower I saw, like I was playing. Smiling and running, every day and every night. Life was just so beautiful. But it would change soon. Soon, there was no escape.

"Mom, I am hoooome!" I entered smiling at my mom. She was already in the kitchen, serving meal. She was a really careful mother, always ready to help her daughters. I was wondering where my sister went.

"Sister? Sister Ophelia? Where are yooooou?" But no one came. I looked and looked around our big villa, but there was no one inside. What, where is everyone. Even my mom... Where has everyone gone. What is happening? Where are my flowers. Am I dreaming? Please, I just want this to end. NO!!!

"Floria, what's wrong. FLORIA!!!" My mother was calling me. My mother... She was here all the time. But who was that man. That in black cote. Who am I? What is happening. I could notice one thing. I was just rolling on the floor, left to right. It was so cold... I just wanted it all to end..........

While they were flying through the starry sky, Erlos felt something he didn't felt in long time.
"Eternity, code red!" Erlos moved with a quick look at her face.
"Huh, I don't understand. I know that we have to take this girl..." Eternity was very confused. Erlos saw that she didn't knew what code red is. He quickly told her to take the girl and go to Seventh Heaven meeting spot. He will go and take care of the little accident. The virus already took effect. There is little time.

I can't... take this... I have to stay awake. I can't fall asleep now. No, I can't. I saw my mom as she was trying to keep me awake. She was really caring for me. But what about my sister. Where was she?
"Mom, go away from her. I shall take care of it." Ophelia just came in that moment. Mom stepped back and she said some words that made me stop from shaking. I felt normal in that moment. What was that just now? I only had questions the whole time and no answers. As she was helping me to stoop up I was looking around the room. I saw the the one special flower. The one my father left me. Before... Before he went and never came back.

My sister was taking me to the room upstairs telling my mother to stay down. When we came inside she immediately lay me on bed and started moving around room looking from windows.
"Okay, no one has come yet."
"Who hasn't come yet sis, who? What are you talking and what were those words that you spoke down there? They almost sounded demonic!"
"My sis, just lay down and hold fest. This ride will be long." She started laughing with evil laughter. Her eyes turned red and her nails bigger. She was turning in something. Something evil.

"You are not my sis! What have you done to her?!" I almost started crying. Tears were coming from my eyes. Why this is all happening to me. Why, from all people. It was always like this as I can remember. But I don't want this. I don't want it! I just want to go back to my family and to live like I always wanted in flowers.
"Now, go to hell with me and suffer. You were a great experiment. The virus will grow and there is nothing to stop it!"

At that moment, window broke and thousands of pieces of glass were flying all across the room. A woman with beautiful white wings came before me and she was smiling. Smiling with hope.
"W-Who, who are?? Angel!! No way, you will not succeed! I will take this girl and corrupt her."
As the Eternity was moving dust from her clothes, she throw a quick look at demon and was checking her strength.
"You know, I actually came quicker than Erlos. Might as well do..."

And just in that moment doors broke down and a man came walking slowly in the room. He was looking similar to Eternity, but he was a guy. And he too had wings. What is this all happening.
"Eternity, why haven't you obeyed my orders. Wait, where is that girl anyway?"
"Ah don't worry dear Erlos, she is in safe hands."
"Safe hands. That's it girl, second punishment for you."
"My, my. Are you perverted. You really want to punish me." Erlos turned red.
"I didn't meant that punishment. I thought..."
Demon was at top of his limits.She jumped and tried to take away me. I turned around and quickly used a vase and throw at her. She fell down, but quickly regained balance and tried another attack.
"You are going down girl! This time I will... W-W-What...? Wha..t is..."

I was shocked looking at the hand that moved through the demons body. It is placed like a sword. Demon immediately fell and turned in dust. As I was looking, I could see who was it. It was that male angel that came. I tried to run away from them but the girl angel quickly moved in front of the door.
"Floria, you are coming with us. Don't worry, your real sister and mom are safe and sound. She will remain here until the time comes. But until that time, you are coming with us."

"Yes! As you say! As long as I will have a happy life later." I was eager. Suddenly I was smiling a little. I could feel warmer again.
"And you will. I am sure in that. My name is Eternity and this is Erlos. Don't mind him, he likes to be bossy." I laughed after that, but Erlos just moved his head in side, though he was smiling a little.
"Here take this. It is a special flower name Xolia, from the plains of great angelic clouds." I looked at flower and almost began crying from happiness. I knew that this is the beginning of a new friendship...

Okay, so this was my most. I hope that it was at least a little good, though not near as your are.^^
I too wanted to add a little action there, with that random demon and I can't wait to see how the story will progress. Now it is turn for our little brave angel heroes in hell. :D
