A fallen angel


B-Blood... But not normal one. This is a silver blood... The blood of an angel. Am I, shot? I looked towards me and could see one person holding a bow. My sight was getting weaker. Am I, going to die? Now, after everything. Devion was looking at me confused. I could see that he stood silenced and was saying nothing. He only backed from me and even if I couldn't see him, I could hear the sound of his wide wings as the cut through the wind. He was leaving, but I haven't cared for that anymore. I fell on my knees and then on the ground...

Memories were coming through my head. Memories of the past, when I first entered Astrum Angels, my first contact with Erlos and meeting one special person... Evelyn. After seeing you, I have made my purpose to continue working as an angel. I was really close to fall in the hands of those demons. I was close on turning myself in to those creatures, but after seeing her my life, I felt a relief. And I was seeing her all these years, but never got courage to talk with her. And one day she came in the Astrum Angels. That is when I really was happy. Erlos noticed that, but never told me. Huh, that guy... always on ease. He put me to go with her, just so I could come closer to her.

Her so soft and nice face, her hair and beauty can not be set with anything else. I am afraid that I might not see her anymore. Soon I will perish and everything I fight for will be gone... The light was getting brighter. The mist from my eyes was gone and I could see a person standing in front of me. That is... Evelyn. She came! She hold me really tight and was quite worried about me.

But I could notice someone moving towards us. Something so evil than my whole body was shaking. Even if I was already at my dying strength, someone like that could not be possible. So evil and dark. NO! I don't want them to hurt Evelyn! But... I can't move or do anything like this. If only I had some more strength, I could use my other wi... No, there is no way that I can do that! I will never use my other wing! No one can see that! No one! But if I don't do it, Evelyn will... As I tried with last of my strength to actually recover and stand on my feet, I could feel that something grabbed Evelyn. That bastard!!

I can not let him! I can not let it touch her. Agh, as I was trying to move more, more and more blood was coming out of me. This type of projectile actually sucks away my life force. It was like made for against our kind, but maybe to against demons and those shadow creatures. I tried moving it from my body, but my hand was shaking too much and I only hurt myself more. Darn it, why can't I do more?!

Just at that moment, there was a brief silence. That creature was gone and Evelyn was just standing there shocked. Eternity came and fast grabbed me and said that we need to pull back to the Cloud 9. I could see some demons coming fast! I needed to warn Eternity.
"E-Eternity... T-There, behind you..." I barely spoke, but she understood me, but too late. She didn't have time to react and throw her weapon. But I could hear something. Someone was shooting. I turned my head and it was Evelyn. She was shooting the same type of arrows as I had. The lesser demons quickly fell from it. So that means, that she actually... But I could see that she moved her head down and that she looked really sad about it. I knew that she could never do that on purpose. She never would. I smiled at her with last of my strength. She saw it and knew why I was smiling. She smiled back...

We were going out at that time through the entrance of Hell. Eternity was the whole time saying to me that I will get fixed up just once I get back. Yuck, again in hospital. But I just was recently. Ah well, at least I will be able to relax of that all hard work. Evelyn came to me earlier and gave me some special medicine. It was a yasdorin juice, a special medicine worked from the main Astrum angel hospitals, that helps actually to hear all anti-angel wounds. It felt really great and I actually made then enough strength to tell her "Thank you". She blushed a little, but was quite happy. As I was moving my head behind my head, like it was all over, I could hear a familiar voice. Ow man, I was so not happy to hear it...

"Sleep bag, get up on your feet. There is no time to relaxing for you." It was Erlos and he was standing with his arms crossed and looking at us. Everyone shouted as they saw him and looked confused.
"Well I see that the humans are here and safe too. I wonder how you pulled that of Eternity..." He was backing away his head and laughing.
"You know, not to help of you. And besides where were you the whole time? We could have died now in Hell and you should have..."
"I was stopped!" He broke in the sentence. His mood then changed. We knew that something was wrong.
"I am sorry guys, but for some time I will be not able to go back to Cloud 9. I will need to leave the rest to you as I am inspecting something. And, I am sorry that I couldn't not come on time. My journey through light was long and painful."

We all looked at him shocked. Now we even less understood.
"But what happened?" Eternity asked him a little worried.
"I shall tell the story for some other time. Right now you should go to Cloud 9 and take Valor quick to hospital. Even yasdorin juice will not be able to hold you for too long. Now I must go. Farewell my friends. I shall come when the time is needed." He slashed his wings and went in some other direction. I just remembered that we haven't told him about new threat, but he probably knew anyway. Heh, that lucky bastard.

We were just at the doors of Cloud 9. But for some reason, we were expected...

I hope that this post was okay. I tried to bring a little Valor point of view and his feelings a little there.^^ And at the end I put like they were greeted by other Astrum Angels, but this time armed... So I can't wait for you to continue. :D
