Into the mist of unknown

~-~ Erlos ~-~

I saw them as they were safely going away. I was so happy to see that they are safe and away from those demons. Unfortunately I could not help them. If I did, those Sweepers would find me. It is the best if I stay put for now and find a way to get out of here.

As I turned my my head away, I could feel a slow, but careful wind. It was so nice and it was going through me hair. Then something feel on my mind. I wondered what will happen to the humans there. They didn't have any powers and the only way that they could get them is... Oh no, that is dangerous.

I tried rushing and flying myself through the barrier. As I was coming closer to it, it felt like it was more and more away. Then I stopped there at the moment. Looking around myself, I could see that all the clouds stayed on the same place, even if I was flying the whole time. This magic. It can only be the new defense system. Coming from under the command of Cloud 5, the masters of defense and security must have put this. They are definitely not getting old, man...

But I know who I am! I know what I am capable of. I need to try and go through this and warn them! I tried again. I moved all both my wings in a narrow position, leaned front and then charged with everything I got. I could notice that even if it was going farther and father, I was actually coming closer little by little. The barrier was ahead of me and then...

I was really close, now it is the chance! I am coming! Even if the harsh wind and speed was basically hurting my skin, I had to do this! And just when I was so close, I added a little more of speed that I still could, but then at that moment, I crashed into the barrier. No matter how much I tried and pushed to go through it, it was just getting me back. They probably put me in the same section as those demons. This is just great...

I looked and knew that I don't have chance this way. One more try! I pulled my sword and with all my strength, I hit the barrier. At one moment I heard something strange. I looked around the barrier but I couldn't see any cracks. That is probably not that, it must be something else. Then again, I heard something. It was getting stronger and stronger. The drums... That's it! Those definitely are the drums.

I pulled back and hid under a could. I leaned back and looked at some demons. They were coming fast and they all wore their battle drums and outfits. What were they planning to do? I noticed something. By now, a huge amount of demons to be at one place at these places was never possible. How have they got out and what were they planning. It can't be possible that they... NO, they want to attack peoples dreams and corrupt them.

I will need to try and stop them, but I can't do it on my own. I will need the help of the other Astrum Angels and humans as well... I hope that they will master their powers until then.
Still I need to go and try to find the other devices and actually train the humans along with Valor, Eternity and Evelyn. Huh, that Valor. He only keeps thinking on that Evelyn. If he keeps like that, he will have many problems in the future. But still, it is nice to know in that and maybe that will save him at the end.

Whatever it is, I have to keep moving. I can't stop and I need to find own path. I opened a big map and tried to actually see where does other devices might be. As much and much I looked, I couldn't find it. I then remembered something. The only person who can use this map well is Eternity. But she is now inside... I know! There is a way from me to get inside as well.

But that will have to wait, right now I need to find a human that should help me. In this condition, I couldn't be going there, but since I anyway broke the laws and I am banished I can go. I looked at my arm and my sword. I knew that I am ready. My eyes were clearing at it and my jewelry was shining on the sun. This is the time that I go. I looked at the sun and tried to find the direction of the city. Then I remembered.

I hurled my wings and began moving towards that town. Then I spotted something. The demons were actually aware of me and sent two of them to take care of me. They probably didn't knew who I was and those probably were some lesser demons. They were coming faster, but still not as fast as I was. These demons had smaller and torn up wings. The were really slow even for them and instead of usual black color, their wings were brown and much wider but shorter.

By that I knew that those are the lowest ranks of demon soldier. But still I wanted to pull back a little and go and fight them behind those big clouds, so that no more demons will come. There, I awaited them. Those two came and began moving around in the slow and duck type moving. They were very short and had a really disgusting skin. Sometimes when I look at them, I feel really sorry. But I know that I have to take care of them.

I charged behind one of them and took his head off. The other one spotted me and tried to attack me with his sharp teeth. But in that moment, I dodged and took his mouth and break the head in half. Again, I felt sorry for them, but that way and only this, they will again have a chance for something.

It was good, the other demons haven't noticed me. They seemed to not bother for those two as well and they just carried on. I turned and again, with high speed, moved towards the city that was lurking below those white clouds...
I am sorry if this turned different, but it was really hard to write and think as him. I wanted to return back and actually enter somewhat the barrier, but then I wanted something else and then... I got confused @_@ But don't worry, I have everything in plan and I can't wait to see what will happen with our favorite demons now! :D
