Five Minutes

‡ Fox ‡

So. Freakin'. Close. Damn. Muttering curses under my breath, I made my way towards the meeting spot Merlox, Devion, V and I had arranged earlier. Them as well as some of the more important demons in our clan were going to discuss some crap that I really didn't care about... And blah blah blah.

With a sigh, I shook out my hair and plopped down into one of the plastic chairs that sat around an oval meeting table. Where the hell had this come from? Well, it didn't really matter. Merlox and Devion entered the room, followed by a few other demons, and finally Veronica made her entrance; silver hair shining brilliantly in the dark light cast by the lanterns situated throughout the room.

I patted the seat next to me with a cocky smirk on my face, and Veronica sat down there reluctantly. I scooted my chair a bit closer to her; my response was a sneer. At least I wasn't embedded into the wall at this point. There's a start.

When all of the empty chairs had been filled, Veronica and Merlox rose simultaneously, both preparing to begin the meeting. Veronica glared at Merlox and he met her stare without flinching. That was not an easy task. Finally, I compromised, "Why don't I start the meeting?"

"In that case, it should be I--" Devion started, and soon the whole table was breaking out into arguments about who should conduct the meeting.

"Shut up!" Veronica finally screamed, her shout echoing through the now silent cavern. "We can both run the meeting," she said icily.

Merlox cracked a triumphant smile and finally, the meeting began. Veronica started off by summarizing the workings of the plan, and Merlox talked about how it worked and all that crap. Finally, she got on to the interesting part. With a single gesture of her slender fingers, the two humans she and Merlox had picked up walked into the room.

Most of the demons wore shocked expressions on their faces when they realized that the two were mortals, while others licked their lips in hungry anticipation. Morons didn't realize the humans were a part of the plan.

"These two," Veronica said, not waiting for the demons' attention to return back to her, "are going to be going to Cloud 9 to spy on the angels' mortal cohorts."

"They're going to help us?" "This is an outrage!" Multiple voices hissed with rage. My gaze was fixated on V's chest, and the bare skin her skirt showed when she moved... I shook my head. Concentrate.

"They're are best bet, fools. Can any of you get to the Clouds?" V sneered with contempt. She gazed at each of us, purposely skipping me, as she told us, "No, I didn't think so."

"But have they proved themselves?" someone from the crowd asked in a condescending tone.

Veronica placed a finger to her lip in thought and then grinned maliciously. "Not yet..."

"Are we going to get to play?" Hime asked innocently, fingering the pocket knife she had been carrying.

"Yes, dear. I'm sure you'll love this game," Veronica cooed with a bright smile. "Alright, let's do this, people."

Leading us all into a large arena-like area, she ushered Leon and Hime out into the center of the cavern and disappeared a few moments later. I furrowed my brow in thought, wondering what the hell she was thinking... Until she came back with a dozen lesser demons behind, most likely plucked straight from the newbie pile of demons.

Shoving the weaklings into the arena, she stepped back in line with the rest of us, and I watched with the others curiously. "Fight!" Veronica exclaimed, and all fourteen figures immediately jumped into action.

I was completely blown away with the ferocity of which Hime plunged her knife into the demons. She wore a sadistic grin across her face, as if she was enjoying every moment of the brutal murdering. I was sure she did, too. Leon was just as merciless, firing shot after shot at the evil beings, not caring if they cried out in pain. In just a few minutes, there were twelve dead demons on the floor. Hime and Leon stood in the center of the arena, without a scratch on either of them.

I whistled loudly and clapped, basically the only noise in the huge area. Hime bounded proudly over towards Veronica, and Leon followed silently behind me. Veronica grinned as if she had been the one to kill the demons, and turned towards the rest of us.

"Good enough for you?" she smirked.

The rest of our party mumbled their agreements and we trudged back towards the meeting room. Once everyone had taken their seats, Veronica began speaking once more, much to Merlox's annoyance.

"So, Fox will be taking the two up to the Clouds--"

"Wait, what?!" I asked incredulously, interrupting her. "Since when was I the messenger boy?"

"Since now," she snapped in reply.

"I object to that!" I responded, crossing my arms defiantly. I shouldn't have to do such stupid things.

Veronica sighed and leaned down towards me. "If you do this... I'll do whatever you want for... Five minutes," V whispered in my ear.

I quickly stood up. "Where to?"

"There's a good boy!" Veronica ruffled my hair. "Just fly them up the barrier, I'm sure they can make the rest of the way, ne?"

I saluted, smirking, and grabbed Hime and Leon with one hand, unfurling my wings in order to take off. Five minutes of telling Veronica to do whatever the hell I wanted? Damn. That'd be fun.


XD Sorry for missing two days. T.T I hope this post makes up for it, but I know, it really sucks! >_< I was thinking of having the demons have a true second demon form, just so that'd be cooler? But if you think that's lame, it's alright. ^^
