this one is sooo cute smile you amazing Angel

my lover sasuke

your so beautiful
i love your eyes
your amazing smile
your velvet voice
I'll gaze for awhile
there's one thing i love the best
you amazing heart
is by far
you're most beautiful
feature no matter no matter how far apart
we are

sasuke part of my life

you're a part of my life
an essential to me
i must see your smile
cuz your part of me
if you ever left me...
for another girl....
i wouldn't cry
or hate that girl
i'd simply
be losing my world

missing you

i think of you when your gone
of all the that we have had
i hate to watch you go
but your just to good to make mad
i love you so very much you now this
is true I'll
miss you a lot so
come back soon


i had a bad dream that sasuke dumped me but it will never happen

i want a guy

i want a guy
who will who will be at my window singing at 2:00 am,who will tell me he loves
me at any time,throw stuffed animals at me when I'm being stupid,let me were his jacket when I'm cold,buy me candy then eat it,laugh at his own jokes,cry because a click flick was sad,talk to me in random moments ,wipe the hair out of my eyes then kiss me to see me smile, dance with me in the rain,smile at me in the most beautiful way ever,his eyes say it all,tells me Im cute when im yelling at him,
Last but not least will love me always :

demanding aren't i