Multimedia Publications

"Mystery Diagnosis: SMA Syndrome" - Discovery Channel

The 'Samantha Sings' Series

Videos, Podcasts & Radio:
"Spectrum Novel Series Interview Ft. Samantha Mina" - Served Fresh Studios
"Interview with Author Samantha Mina" - Real Comic Book Talk
"Artist Spotlight: Awesome Con" - New Release Wednesday
"Author Interview" - And I Quote Podcast
"Artist Spotlight: Wicomicon" - MTR Network (Starts @3:50)
"Interview with Samantha Mina, Book Author & SMA Syndrome Survivor" - Aaron's Journey
"2nd Interview with Samantha Mina, Book Author & SMA Syndrome Survivor" - Aaron's Journey
"Authors' New Year's Resolution Interview" - Biggest Names in Small Press
"Authors' Talk Live" - Biggest Names in Small Press
"SMA Syndrome" - CNN iReport and World Rare Disease Day Organization (Won "Featured Video" Status)

Essays, Articles & Research:
"Surviving The Odds" - Around Reston Magazine
"Book Report: Spectrum Novel Series" - Around Reston Magazine
"Fine Line Between Fact & Fiction with Author Samantha Mina" - Gal on the Go Adventure Blog
"A Greater Than Average Chance of Not Surviving This Procedure" - Wide Awake Literary Magazine
"This, I Believe" - Wide Awake Literary Magazine
"First Responder Heroes" - The Court Report Law Magazine
"Helping Hands" - The Court Report Law Magazine
"East and West: Reciprocal Artists" - Georgetown University Political Science Research Journal
"Superior Mesenteric Artery (SMA) Syndrome" - Wikipedia Encyclopedia (Won DYK Recognition)
"Cerebral Salt-Wasting Syndrome" - Wikipedia Encyclopedia

Short Stories:
"Sketch Journey" - Glass Garden Literary Magazine
"The Stepkid" - Rag & Bone Literary Magazine

"Barium Clouds" - Inkstone Literary Magazine
"Trespass into the Past" - Inkstone Literary Magazine
"Sketchbook" - Local Tea Literary Magazine
"November, 1999" - Local Tea Literary Magazine
"Dr. Stradivarius' Operating Room" - Inkstone Literary Magazine
"Self Portrait from the Drawer of a Runaway" - Inkstone Literary Magazine

"The Beginning" - Pulse ComicZine Magazine

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