Heey Visitor,

I hope you will enjoy this World, it's called Death City because of my favorite anime "Soul Eater"!!! My favorite couple is MakaxSoul (SoMa). Well that aside, this is my first world, so it's not really spectaculair yet, but I trie my best, hehe.....I hope that it will look in the futur better! Well until then enjoy it!!!

Oh when you are interessed in Soul Eater you should look at:
You can look at that site the anime in Engilsh dub and sub.
They have a link to www.onemanga.com where before was the manga of Soul Eater but it got suspended!!!! But you can also read the manga on youtube and google!!!!

Thanks for reading

76, and ideas

Heey everybody,

Nice that you vistit (again) this world.
Well I heard some great news on 12th of july, Soul Eater chapter 76 will be realesed in Japan *get a really big smile* And than you still have to wait until it's released in English *face goes back to normal* (or learning Japenese, but I must already learning so much at school...). But anyway I could just dance, hehe...

Well I got some new ideas for this world be the way, In the future I'm going to post things like story, characters, writer/drawer, etc.
Wouldn't that be fun?

Well than for know, I hope you will visit again or leave a comment,


Chapter 75.2 (a lucky suprise!!!)

Heey Everybody,

Well I was today on Youtube and I got a really big suprise!!!
I check "Soul Eater chapter 75" everyday just in case.
I thought that I still had to wait until the 22th, but.....
Well I think you have already guess it!!!
"Soul Eater chapter 75 English version"!!!
I'm so happy I could cry.
Ah, wath a lovely chapter, I'm completly in love.
Well I was already in love, hehe....


Chapter 75

Heey everybody,

This is my first post about chapter 75 of "Soul Eater", hehe...
Chapter 74 is already realesed for months, and after waiting al this time....
Chapter 75 is realesed in Japanese, so far I know will the english version realesed on 22th of this month (Juni), but I can be wrong. I can't wait!!!
I find it really bold because in this chapter Giriki (the guy with the chainsaw legs) will atack Maka and Soul!!! Well more I'm not going to say because it won't be fun for you....

See everybody later,


Ps.This world looks a lot better thanks to my friend Timcanpy14.
