FWIT: Elements Within

Chapter 3: Thunderclap

Yoh looked at them with a blank face. Me? This Thunder Element?

Horohoro erupted into laughs. "Yoh is this Thunder? You gotta be kidding me!"

"They're not," Ren said.

"What?!" Horohoro's eyes bulged out of his head again.

"They're quite serious," Ren replied. "A story like this has been passed down for the last thousand years in my family of four beings that had immense power of the elements battling against each other for the world's fate but they disappeared after the battle."

"Why can you tell it's the chief?" Ryu asked. "That part I don't get."

"The Sun Thunder Element is said to have a tattoo of a thunderbolt on his stomach," Kara said.

Horohoro laughed harder. "RIght!" he mused.

Yoh's eyes widened. How did they know that? Yoh had gotten a mark like that when Anna had forced him to change the light bulbs and he had forgotten to turn off the lights. Yoh shivered. Never want that to happen again.

"How did you know that?" Yoh asked.

Horohoro stopped laughing and stared at Yoh.

Kara shrugged. "It was said in a book about the legend of the Elements made over two hundred years ago," she explained. "I read it when I found out that I was the Fire Element."

Kara changed the subject. "Because you're Thunder, you have a destiny to full fill. Do you want the job?"

"How do we know your not lying?" Ren asked. "How do we know your not the bad guys as well?"

Kara looked at Ren. Something in her eyes made him look away. It wasn't either anger or hostility, but honesty and desperation and sadness.

The room was silent. "Well, either way, we'll fight Zeke," Yoh said finally. "He's a participant in the Shaman Fight as are us. I accept."

Kara snapped her head toward Yoh. Yoh's face had an aloof expression. "I accept my duty as the Thunder Element," Yoh said. "We all have a common enemy– like you said."

Kara nodded.

Ren was still slightly skeptical. "I'll tolerate you 'Elements'; only because Yoh trusts you. If you show any intent on killing us, I'll take you all down myself."

Sonic grinned. "Then you have nothing to worry about. We're allies, after all."

"Tomorrow, we head out to the Patch village!"


A figure stood outside a hotel window, watching several people that were talking.

"Looks like Fire has found Thunder," said the figure, his voice so low that he couldn't even be heard by the wind. "The final battle of five hundred years will ensue. When that happens, I will make sure to kill the Heart of the Elements so they cannot destroy this world."

The dark figure was joined by a second.

"We must complete our mission, no matter what!" said the second figure. The first one nodded. Then they were gone with the rising sun.

Part 4: Thunder