He Lost Himself?

Hey guys. This is a rare blog post from me, but I feel like I need to write about this. Even though I really don’t want to be a part of this, it’s regarding my family and it really aggravates the heck out of me.

I’m going to give a long-winded back story, so brace yourself. A few years ago, I started a Justin.tv channel because I was a 4PlayerPodcast fan and wanted to try what they were doing to make my playing of games more memorable. The viewers see what’s on my screen, hear my voice, and interact with me. I wasn’t popular even though I had 200+ something subscribers. I’m sure they all wanted me to play Halo and scary games.

I’ve been living with my brother for most of my life. The only time he was ever gone was for college, where he met his gorgeous Asian wife. He eventually got her to move in with him here and share a room in our parents’ house. They’ve been married for three years and together for seven. If you saw a picture of them, you’d think that they were perfect matches for each other.

Well, my brother became curious of what I was doing on Justin.tv, so he decided to make his own channel. I was a bit annoyed because I don’t find his humor particularly funny at all. His humor reminds me of Will Ferrell’s current repetitious humor. I got even more unnerved when he annihilated my subscriber count by 4.5x. He has 900+ ‘til this day.

I eventually left the Justin.tv gig because there’s no way I can broadcast to the masses during the weekdays. I can’t keep up with gaming as well because I don’t want to consistently spend money on ridiculously overpriced new games. That was last year. I straightened up my priorities and decided to devote my focus and attention more on school.

My brother, on the other hand, broadcasted during whenever he was free after work. It’s Justin.tv, I don’t think there’s much to worry about. It seems like a harmless video broadcasting social community. Well, for my brother’s case, I never knew that his obsession got to this point until my Mom told me about this “problem” he had after she talked to his wife.

I too, started to notice my brother chatting to tons of people on Justin.tv. Whenever I walked back to my room from the basement, I’d hear him talking to someone during his late nights after work. Little did I know, I was in for a huge surprise. I want to deny this, but it’s having an impact on our family.

Last week, I drove my Mom to the shopping center a few towns away. She told me what his wife told to her. He supposedly “doesn’t know himself” and fell in love with a random girl online. At that moment, I was really angry and confused. Eventually, his wife eventually told me the full story.

She told me the full story. He “doesn’t know himself,” and found an internet girl who understands him. She told me about their phone bills and how 90% of all the numbers would be from this one person. My brother didn’t say that it’s her fault, but it’s that he’s “still looking for himself.” She cried her heart out and I felt like shit afterwards.

I will try to suppress my anger and type coherently about how I feel here. Why would you throw away seven years you had with a gorgeous Asian woman to some random internet girl who supposedly “understands” you better? Sure, you can find solace on the internet for a handful of your problems, but to start a divorce because of this? Ridiculous.

Honesty, I think his excuse of “self-realization” is bullshit. He needs to be more honest with himself and communicate with his wife more. I even asked her if they were open to the idea of counseling. She said yes, but unsurprisingly, my brother said no. WHY? My brother makes more money than both my parents combined. I’m un-experienced with turbulent marriages, but isn’t there no reason not to?

Well, I’ll leave it at that. I’ll post more updates in a bit.
