To Yukigakure- Mamoru


Mamoru was unsure of which reaction to make first.

Initially, his instincts screamed for him to lash out at whoever it was (though honestly, the possibilities were extremely limited), but the warmth changed his words mid-sentence from, "YOU WEIRD FREAK, GET-you're warm."

So warm...

Indeed, he had been freezing moments before, which was why he struggled to figure out what the problem was. It may have had something to do with the fact that Mamoru didn't mind being snuggled by a bigger, stronger guy, which made him question his sexual preference. "Keisuke!" He hissed.

"Shh. Moru, just go to sleep."

"BUT I-"

"It's fine. It's not like I have a crush on you anymore."


Instead of calming him, the statement made him squirm. "You what? I..." A mix of bewilderment and distress flashed across his face. "I'm..."

Keisuke seemed to sense the verbal vomit, because he said, "Hey, it's not prob-"

"I'm so sorry, I had no idea. Oh my god, I'm such an idiot." If possible, he squirmed even further away from Keisuke in the closed space as he rambled.

"Moru!" A pair of fingers pinched the tip of Mamoru's nose, which somehow calmed him. "...go to sleep."

"...don't tell me what to do." He grumbled, but he found himself snuggling up to his friend anyway, ignoring all of the chances he'd probably have to say "no homo".

Just east of them lay Kimiko, who had been listening to their banter for quite some time. Though she found it endearing, she was glad they'd settled down; she wouldn't be getting any sleep otherwise.


A noise caused Mamoru to draw a kunai faster than he was completely coherent. "Someone's there."

The look on Keisuke's face caused him to slowly melt back into reality. "...what?"

The alarm washed away, replacing itself with a look of tired acceptance. "Nothin'. Go get'em tiger."

Unfortunately, nothing turned out to be there, so Mamoru found himself keeping watch for the rest of the early morning, until he felt it was time for them to move on. Being that they were quite close to their destination (having already reached Yukigakure), Mamoru was becoming insanely restless.

Have the three of us ever worked before? Keisuke-kun and I worked together a long time ago, but that was back when...

His fingers twitched.

It shouldn't be a problem, right? As long as I'm timely with my traps, I can hold up my end just fine.

At least, he hoped he could. Another failure in front of Keisuke would be...devastating.

"Rise and shine." He said at exactly four that morning. "Time to work."
