Buried too Deep- Mamoru


He hadn't expected the door to open, nor did he expect Keisuke to be there, especially not with a kitten in his arms.

The silverette blinked a little bit, a little more than a deer in headlights for a moment. He had been delivering the bean buns on the sly; he had purposely been avoiding contact with Keisuke when he did it, just in case his tsundere responses threw the Sarutobi off (as he knew they often did).

Before he becomes a dick again... He began to draw the conclusion that Keisuke's behavior was less of a conscious decision than he thought. "..." He decided to choose his questions carefully. "...I already know that you must be hurt." He told him finally, though he was mostly pondering to himself. "But..." Confusion colored his expression as his eyebrows furrowed. "Have you been eating the bean buns?"

There. That was his real question.
