Tachibana Misao's Profile

External Image

Tachibana Sprites

Creator: Shinigamihoshi16
Full name: Tachibana Misao タチバナ ミサオ
SHSL ability: Puzzler

Gender: Female
Age: 16
Birthday: December 31st

Eye color: Heterochromia. Has one purple eye and a red eye.
Skin tone: Fair
Hair color: Gray
Hair style: Long with blunt bangs.
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 130
Face type: Childish
Body type: Petite
Outfit/style: Wears a T-shirt with a longer shirt underneath, and a skirt with leggings and Tennis shoes. She also wears pink headphones that go over her ears.
Other details: Can't see very well, wears glasses when not wearing her contacts, which isn't often.
Appearance: Quiet girl, doesn't say much. Plays a lot of puzzle games.
Neutral Sprite: Playing a DS.

Personality: Very Quiet and shy. But also when angry she blurts things out without thinking things through. Gets frightened by loud noises, but if given a choice between life or death, she will kill if it means saving her life. Also, when you become friends with her, she's pretty calm.
Likes: Reading light novels, Video games (particularly puzzle games), music, and cute things.
Dislikes: Loud noises, cigarette smoke(she hates the smell), alcohol (no tolerance), and not being able to see.
Strengths: Can solve puzzles, and is surprisingly agile. At least enough to get her out of certain situations.
Weaknesses: Her eye sight. Loud noises.
Fears: Loud noises, ghosts, the occult, her father.
Life before school: She was a typical school girl, with an abusive father who spawned her fear of loud noises- he was verbally abusive and often yelled, which thus made her jump at the slightest of noises- she lived with only her father and her Grandmother, who tried to stop the father's abuse, but could not as neither had nowhere to go. Misao did her best to study for high school in hopes that she could attend a boarding school to get away from her father's cruel words. She's had the ability to solve puzzles all her life, with amazing speed, and thus was called to the academy. She loves puzzle games, and is usually seen playing one due to her shyness.
