Etsuko Sprites
Creator: ChinaSan
Full name: Etsuko Hayate エツコ ハヤテ
SHSL ability: Gardener
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Birthday: May 20th
Eye color: Black/dark-brown
Skin tone: Pale-ish
Hair color: Light turquoise
Hair style: Reference photo
Height: 6'1
Weight: 149 pounds
Face type: Androgynous
Body type: Tall and Lanky
Outfit/style: Typically dresses in casual clothing. Usual outfit consists of a T-shirt, a black vest, and track pants.
Other details: Has one earring on his left ear.
Appearance: The quiet, smart one.
Neutral Sprite: Shy
Personality: Shy, and feels that he is isn't very good at anything except gardening. He`s actually very good at solving complex problems. He is also very obsessive.
Likes: Flowers, Dogs, Rain
Dislikes: Annoying children, Bugs, cats
Strengths: Good at hiding things.
Weaknesses: Cares for people way too much.
Fears: Spiders, Death
Life before school: Pretty average, But he was known for his skill of keeping any plant alive. He also helped out in a small gardening store with his uncle.