Kakkar Kimiko's Profile

External Image

Kakkar Sprites

Creator: WindSorceress32
Full name: Kakkar Kimiko カッカル キミコ
SHSL ability: Fashion Designer

Gender: Female
Age: 16
Birthday: January 1st

Eye color: Light Brown
Skin tone: Medium Brown
Hair color: Black
Hair style: Her hair is all like, no bangs and stuff and then she puts it back with a headband so it's all like, volume up top and kinda wavy looking and parted to one side you'll see in the drawing I swear it makes sense
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 155 lbs
Face type: She has a square jaw and slightly chubby cheeks! Her nose is like, downward pointed and kinda has a bump on the bridge?
Body type: Pear-shaped! She's also kinda chubby
Outfit/style: She's all like wearin' a dress with sleeves that drop onto the shoulders and the skirt is puffy-ish and covered in polka-dots and it's black, green, and blue there'll be a picture you'll see. It goes to about knee length. She wears lots of bracelets and necklaces and she wears winged glasses, fishnet stockings, and boots.
Other details: She likes to wear eye-makeup and red lipstick. :DD
Appearance: She looks to be someone who is very comfortable in her appearance
Neutral Sprite: A look that says, "I know what's up and you don't because I am a fricking empress hail to the queen." But that's when no one is looking...

Personality: Kimiko manipulates others into believing whatever she wants. She is really kind of aloof and snobbish, but others believe that she is shy and cute and humble and easy to get along with. At the heart of it all, she just doesn't want to be left alone. She believes that no one will like her or give her attention if she acts as herself, despite feeling superior to everyone. She will not even admit this fear to herself, choosing instead to believe that she is not lonely, but cunning and cold-hearted. She's... really complicated.
Likes: Fashion, polka-dots, accessories, make-up, being the center of attention, observing people, solving a problem, sewing, the color red, reading, mysteries, carrots, and giving advice
Dislikes: Other people trying to manipulate HER, anyone who insults her, broccoli, ugly clothes, sad music, being alone
Strengths: Strong-willed, intelligent, calculating, good at manipulation, is very self-confident (to the point that she believes she is superior in every way), good at acting, good at sewing, is not afraid of needles, is very logical
Weaknesses: Lets jealousy and anger overtake her, will cry if her sketchbook gets damaged, will cry if one of her outfits is damaged, is not strong physically, freezes if she gets caught in a lie, can't run very quickly, often has low blood sugar, is allergic to chocolate, sometimes thinks TOO much about a problem (causing indecisiveness)
Fears: NO ONE! Dying from eating chocolate, that someone will get the best of her, that everyone will abandon her, that she will lose her sight
Life before school: Kimiko had always been a gifted student. Smart, talented, humble, and likeable, she was on pretty much everyone's good side. If she wasn't on somebody's good side, she made sure to GET on it. If she could not, she took care of them personally. Be it a rumor, an accidental shove, or a sabotage, she always managed to take care of her problems.

Her parents, with whom she lived, were unaware of their daughter's manipulative tendencies. As long as she was getting good grades and hanging out with the right crowd, they were happy. And who knows, perhaps her clothing designs would take off someday? Yes, what a wonderful daughter, indeed.
