All The Difference A Day Makes . . .

Over the course of the past few days the temperature in my apartment has gone from averaging 27 degrees to 20. We've gone from "various states of undress at home" to "socks and blankets"; I'll never get over how quickly the seasons can change. I guess it's official: summer is over (like a boss!).

Or, if you want to be clever about it: "Winter is coming..." Bwahaha . . . oh Game of Thrones . . .

So what's up over in my land . . . now that con time is over I've finally had time to just relax, watch some TV and catch up on some games. "Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine" is simple but super stylish and as a fan of the universe, I was greatly impressed and amused by the attention to detail. "Civilization V" was on sale on Steam for 75% off so I picked that up as well. That said, I'm playing Civilization again . . . and as such, my free time has evaporated. Oops.

I've officially intentionally skipped the cheapest pre-registration rate for Sakura-Con in April after my friend urged me to consider getting a Press Badge. This commitment kinda scares the hell outta me. We'll see how that goes - also, means I'd have to work at the con'. Ah well, for the purpose of saving $55 to $60, I guess it could be worse.

Also on the convention front, I will say that I'm pretty sure we're all gonna do Fairy Tail cosplay next year. Right now I'm pretty sure I'm gonna cosplay Natsu. This means a few things: one, this will be my first wig cosplay ever (a pink one, no less - FML . . .); two, I need to exercise more so I don't have to be a lame Natsu with an undershirt; three, I'm pretty sure Fairy Tail would make for a very, very fun Final Fantasy Fight Tournament team.

Regarding thing number two, I do have sort of an idea to at least keep me partially honest. Since I started watching the series, I decided that I would do a little exercise. So once the opening credits start, I'll either do a set of pushups or hold a plank position for the duration of the intro. Sure, it's not the most efficient way to do it and it's like, spreading 150 pushups over the course of about two or three hours. But still, it's something which is better than nothing.

Beyond that . . . no, that's pretty much it.

Except Castle on Monday. That's gonna be awesome.
