hello people! what is up? man i havent ben on here in a while. i hope that i still have friends on here.. lol ive been on Da alot. soo i really have nothign else to say....
well ill go now cya!

hey everyone whats up...me? well...heheh im hyper
ahhh my phone is ringing..o well ill get it later.
it might be a text message.
so i finally put the comic thing up....go look at it plezzz!!!!!!!!

by the way...where is everyone!? where did everyone go!
ok so tomorrow im going to my friends house and were going to play Brawl! i cant wait casue we have been wanting to play that game. Were also going to make more plushie youtube vids. I think she said that were going to make plushie idol. idk i forget.
well im going to stop talking now
shadow: yes shut up no one wants to hear you go one.
Hey your so mean!
well...later everone!